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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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An MCL problem!

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Top 10 Contributor
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Peter Posted: Mon, Jul 14 2014 2:17 PM

My antique system has been working now for the last 23 years very happily with only minor alterations. However it has thrown a wobbler and I would be grateful for any thoughts.

The centre of the system is a Beovision 5 and a Becenter 2. These are attached to Pentas, a BL 2 and BL4000s. These all work fine (though the remote seems possibly less powerful, needing definite aim these days) It has two areas where it departs into the rest of the house - the old system which has an ML cable going to an ML/MCL convertor and this then feeds four systems - speakers in the bedroom, which feeds on to speakers in the bathroom (both MCL2A devices) and finally to a MCL2AV to a Beovision 3, again in the bedroom. There is also a spur which connects just distal to the ML/MCL convertor which goes to an MCL:2AV in the hall which runs Beolab 3000s. There is also an ML connection which runs into the study and connects to another system. 

The ML system  seems to be fine - it switches on with the timer function just as usual. The MCL system is not working. The remote transceivers show only the timer light in the upstairs spur and both lights in the hall. The hall spur reacts to thermote but does not turn the system on so you can hear it. The mute light does not change but the speakers turn on with no sound. Upstairs, although the box indicates the remote is detected, there is no sound and no control.

I have obviously done a hard reset - no change. I have checked every box for loose connections, taking them apart and  putting the wires back in - no change. I have separated the two spurs to see if either works alone - no is the answer - and seem to have exhausted my options.

I wonder if the ML/MCL box has simply developed a fault - can't check this as don't have a spare - any other ideas?


Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Mon, Jul 14 2014 3:10 PM

That`s what I`m thinking too. You could borrow my ML/MCL converter that I don`t use right now, but it`s too far away I`m afraid....:)

I would take a BM7000/6500/4500.... to replace the ML/MCL converter and to check the MCL system...(?)

Or next I would do is disconnect both MCL2AV and test the system with just two MCLs (I`ve never seen a faulty MCL - and I have o lot of them..:))

Did you check the voltage for the MCL system coming from the converter?

Just some thoughts.....


Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Mon, Jul 14 2014 3:50 PM

Thank you Stefan,

I did try with both MCL2AVs disconnected - no joy. The voltage seems fine as the lights are on - just no-one at home! (An english idiom when describing an idiot!)

I no longer have a 7000 unfortunately - just a 5500 and that doesn't work MCL2 properly. Hopefully getting a technician out who will laugh at the system. Will probably run ML up to the bedroom to work the TV - and try to get a new ML/MCL convertor!



Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Mon, Jul 14 2014 4:23 PM

Did you try a System Standby press on the MCLs whose standby lights don`t work. My experience is if I start an MCL system, the lights don`t work until you start up them manually...?

And do the MCL2AVs work as standalone devices with local sources connected to the three DIN sockets like your BV3 ?

And btw - thanks for the explanation....


The voltage seems fine as the lights are on - just no-one at home! (An english idiom when describing an idiot!)


Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Mon, Jul 14 2014 4:43 PM

Yes - I have had problems at times and usually a system standby or simply unplugging the system and restarting it settles the whole thing down. The fact it has not this time makes me suspect the ML/MCL convertor has a fault. I think it unlikely that both spurs have a fault and I have discionnected them and tested them both separately. Thorough nuisance but am using a Beolit 700 in the bathroom instead which in fact sounds far better than the Beovox 1s in the ceiling!! Big Smile


Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Tue, Jul 15 2014 2:18 PM

I have a Beolit 700 too - sounds surprisingly good! But I can`t judge Beovox1, our bathroom got a BL3500.

BTW: I would test the converter connected via Powerlink instead of ML - maybe the Masterlink module is faulty...?

Good luck.


Top 150 Contributor
U.K.West Midlands
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The fact that the timer light is functional suggests that supply is reaching all the MCL devices.If the other light blinks when you operate the handset,but does'nt stay on when you select standby,it suggests there is no data communication(handshake)between the link and processor,in the ML/MCL converter

As all the ml devices are functioning,it seems that the ML/Mcl converter is faulty?Does it have a standby light?

Where is it sited?they don't like too hot or cold/damp places,and just shut down.

Alternatively,the data cable may have come adrift inside one of the relay boxes.This is the small white screened cable at the end of the terminal.Check the connections in the first box after the converter first.



Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Mon, Jul 21 2014 6:00 PM

Hi Nick,

The ML/MCL converter lives in the sitting room under a roll top desk and is well ventilated. It has a red led lit. It sources two MCL areas and the two areas are connected tother near the MCL/ML box. I was thus able to isolate each branch and neither worked so I think it is the MCL/ML box. I did go connection hunting but all seemed fine!  Awaiting Terry to call back (the engineer!)


Top 150 Contributor
U.K.West Midlands
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Hello Peter.

Yes indeed,it does seem as though the converter is u/s.I've had the microprocessor module fail in these!! It's available as a part but not cheap @£65,you may be able to pick up another converter from e.bay.I got one for £30!!!

It would be useful for your Engineer to check some voltages at the MCL relay boxes before finally writing off the converter though.



Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Thu, Jul 24 2014 9:04 PM

Terry is coming tomorrow! I'll report back! planning ton get ML extended upstairs as at present it goes BV5 > ML > ML/MCL converter > MCL > MCL2A > MCL2A> MCL2AV > Beolink converter > ML >BV3 !!!



Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Fri, Jul 25 2014 8:22 AM

Unbelievable - just got to work and Jo just rang to say the whole system has just started working! Terry due at lunchtime. I deliberately left all system plugged in. See what he says!


Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Fri, Oct 3 2014 6:14 PM

Well needless to say, it broke again. Terry, our excellent local B&O technician, has been around with his testing kit. The MCL system is actually fine but the short ML system, which was still working, had a short on the 5V cable as one wire had been shorted on a carpet gripper. Obviously been like that since fitted. All working again and I demonstrated a couple of bits he had not seen recently - the Beovox 2500 cubes and Beogram 3000 Thorens with 12" arm. Also the Beomaster 4401 and Beogram 4001 - the latter being 'unique' Smile . Very pleased with this and will be returning the MCL/ML converter to Lee who very kindly sent it when we thought this was the issue. 


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chartz replied on Fri, Oct 3 2014 6:24 PM

Always little stupid things like that, isn't. Glad it is fixed!



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