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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


HDD or SSD for Avant 55?

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Top 75 Contributor
Svinarp, Sweden
Posts 1,632
Bronze Member
Daniel Posted: Mon, Oct 6 2014 9:11 PM

Hi gang!

I'm going for a harddisc to be connected to my Avant so I can record TV programs. A HDD is much cheaper compared with a SSD, but are they equal in all other ways? Space and noise are no issues as I can hide it in an another room,

What size shall I choose? How much will a 1 h HD program use?

Top 10 Contributor
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No sense in an SSD unless you really need to spend money. All current hard discs are plenty fast enough for the purpose.

I'm using a Seagate 1TB Backup Plus with my (non-Avant) TV. It's small, virtually silent, doesn't warm up and doesn't need an extra power supply.

The storage need depends on the actual quality (bit rate) of the program, HD or not. 1-4 GB per hour should be in the ballpark for terrestrial reception, cable and especially satellite may use larger bit rates.


Top 75 Contributor
Svinarp, Sweden
Posts 1,632
Bronze Member
Daniel replied on Tue, Oct 7 2014 11:24 AM


I will go for a HDD 1 TB (or 2 TB if the price is not much higher).

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