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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


MLGW / Masterlink Gateway: How to get Light controls assigned to specific rooms for Beo 4, 5, 6 remote control?

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Top 75 Contributor
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TWG Posted: Tue, Apr 21 2015 9:14 PM

Dear Beoworlders,

I still didn't solve my problem and I hope some of you can help me.

What I want:
- I am in the livingroom and when I press "Light" + "green" on the Beo 4,ONLY  the assigned lamps in the livingroom should be switched on.
- When I'm in the bedroom and I press "Light" + "green" on the Beo 4, only the assigned lamps in the bedroom should be switched on.
- ... and so on.

But it doesn't work. The MLGW doesn't care for my programming. Sad

What DOES work is the command "Light" + "UP" or "DOWN" to switch a decorative light in the bedroom on and off. Works perfectly(!) and I do NOT understand what's the difference!?

I can't be the only person that desires this simple(!) way of controlling the light!?

btw: If I use the softbuttons on the webinterface of the MLGW everything works.

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beojeff replied on Wed, Apr 22 2015 12:40 AM

I'm wondering if it might have something to do with how the long (continuous) presses are handled. As I recall, they are handled differently on the colored buttons than they are on the up and down buttons. I wonder if it would make a difference as to how long you press the colored keys. 

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beojeff replied on Wed, Apr 22 2015 12:49 AM

Another idea: I've found that when macros don't give the expected results, sometimes there could be another macro that has triggers or resulting actions that conflict with what you have in your macro at issue. You might look through all of your macros to see what they are doing.

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mjmedlo replied on Wed, Apr 22 2015 3:30 AM
I've used light/red in the past.

It should work.

Create a macro for light/ciffer 9. And have the trigger be light 9 and light green.

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stefan replied on Wed, Apr 22 2015 10:08 PM

when you program a macro, you define a beolink event - let`s say matching LIGHT - command green (CNTL_REWIND)

Now you select a room (or any room)

Next step will be to select a command that will be executed by this trigger (event). Choose the lamp(s) you want to control.

Which light system are you using?


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