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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4004, Beomaster 2400-2, Commander, BC7700 and S60 Speakers - swap for turntable or offers

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Top 100 Contributor
Frinton, UK
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Bronze Member
Andrew Posted: Wed, Apr 22 2015 1:20 PM


I have the above that I am looking to swap for a decent turntable (non b&O) They are rosewood other than the speakers which are teak - physical condition of all of them is excellent (other than the speakers) - however not so good are the faults these are;

Beogram 4004

Has the speed fluctuation issue, I have bypassed the relay to switch between 33 and 45 so it runs at 33 but can have a replacement one if you wanted, installed new trimmers on the main board and changed the belt. none of this seems to have worked although it is better, it is either the caps or motor I think, bypassing the user trimmers on the top panel did not work either. Physically it is excellent though and comes with a cartridge. Tone arm and everything else works as it should - I have just reached the extent to which I can work on it.

Beomaster 2400-2 and Commander

Works fine and in excellent condition but needs some bulbs replacing - the commander only works on half side and Martin suggested a fix by replacing a couple of parts.


Work and sound great, woodwork at the bottom corner of one is chipped but could be restored


Amplifier and radio work, condition is good, some of the segments in the display do not work, turntable needs a cartridge, belt and the counterweight is missing, cassette needs belts.

Ideally I was looking to swap or part exchange for a good quality turntable as that was my intention in getting the Beogram in the first place, I thought maybe this would appeal to someone who may want to do a swap or am open to offers so that I can put the money towards a new turntable

Half the equipment is in North London, the other half in Frinton (Essex) so can be collected from either place if you prefer.

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Hi Can you PM me your email is not working 

Regard's Ron

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