ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Just made an inventory, I have 30 main B&O items, 8 Beomasters, 1 Beosound, 6 Beograms, 3 BG CD50, 2 Beocords, 1 Beocord Reel to Reel, 7 Beovox pairs, 2 Beolab pairs, 1 Trumpet stand pair. All bought from 2010 until now, in Mcallen I have BM/BL 5000 waiting.
Total buying price incl. shipping around USD 4,500.00. Beosound and BL 4000 not counted I bought them new in 2002
We just have to get that virus legalized then our sick insurance should pay.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
They will only send us to the mansion where the men in white coats work.
Søren, it sounds like you are now about where I was at the age of eleven. That was when it really took off for me.If you follow the same route, it's also apprx. now you realize that you need to complete the collection.Only I didn't quite know what it meant... Martin
chartz:They will only send us to the mansion where the men in white coats work.
In Struer?
riverstyx: chartz:They will only send us to the mansion where the men in white coats work. In Struer?
Well, if the mental institution in Struer has B&O nut cases, retired B&O boffins and their gear, then yes please.
With daily excursions to the museum.....
There is a tv - and there is a BV
I am on similar figures to you Søren! For me the biggest issue is space and storage, especially with Reel players which weigh so much and take up a lot of room.
It won't stop though I'm sure!
I think I'm just starting the fourth page of A4 with my list! I haven't updated it for a long time and really need to start again and do it properly - not least for the insurance!
I have an Excel sheet of all my B&O purchases and expenses for repairs and restorations, not counting every simple resistor and other minor things. Starting from summer 2007, I have apparently spent 9370 euros taking into account the few things I have sold. So that's a little over one grand per year, which is actually rather affordable as far as maladies hobbies go - and I could get most of that or probably more back if I decided to sell the kit (almost everything has been faulty when I bought it and repaired since that).
Lately I have been quite satisfied with my collection though - apparently I didn't buy anything in 2013 for example. Most of the kit from the 90s and later are actually in daily use somewhere.
tournedos: Most of the kit from the 90s and later are actually in daily use somewhere.
Most of the kit from the 90s and later are actually in daily use somewhere.
Therein lies the rub. I stopped buying B&O when I had a whole B&O system (1900) sitting idle as well as a BC3500 sitting idle.
Of course I have lots of non-B&O equipment in the house running and just as much stuff idle as well.
I have found myself looking locally for a set of speakers to restore.....
I have 4 sets working most of them daily, the rest is stored but get rotated in once in a while, I hate to have good working vintage in a box somewhere, But as I like restoring I will start selling/ giving away. and only keep the items I really fall in love with and can keep on using.
As for spare parts expenses, I havent counted that in my total, starting with the BGs there is a starting cost of USD 150 for each BG cartridge. I just ordered from Mouser parts for my BC reel to reel BM 1900 and BM 2400, USD 130 where 30 USD is for the BMs the BC I bought for 64 USD. As a hobby its cheap, my average is 150 USD monthly,
I dont know what other people pay for their hobbies but shooting animals or fishing for big fish must be more expensive.
The best thing with this hobby is, I can do it alone with nobody interfering or disturbing me, and I can do it anytime I feel for it.
Four complete systems in use here too! Of course, much more stuff not in use but either on display or put away somewhere in my lair...
And more non B&O equipment of course
But then, it is impossible to 'compete' with some of you. Dave comes to mind
Also made an inventory. Think I need to reduce my stock!
In regular use:
1 pair Beolab Penta MKII1 pair Beovox Penta1 Beovison Avant 28 DVD RF1 Beo41 MCL 2P1 Beogram RX2, mmc31 Beosound Century1 Beolink 10001 Beogram CD X1 pair Beovox CX 1001 Beolit 6001 Beomaster 900K1 pair Beolab 40001 Beo41 Beogram 3000 (80's)1 Beomaster 80001 Beogram 8000, MMC 20CL1 pair Beovox Penta,1 Pair Beovox M1001 Beogram CD501 Master Control Panel 55001 MCL 2AV5x Beocom 60001 Beocord 22001 Beomaster 34001 Pair of Beovos S45 (6302)1 Beosystem 2500 (Beocenter 2500 + Beolab 2500)1 Beolink 1000Beovox HT 3000
Not in use, found in the basement in order of appearance:
Beovision MX7000
Beomaster 900
Beogram 5500
Beogram 9000
Beocord 4500
Beogram CD 4500
Bandmaster 609K
Beocord 2000 De luxe Reel to Reel
Beocord 1800 Reel to Reel
Beovox MC 120.2
Beovox S55
Beovox RL 140
Beovox Penta
Beolab Penta
Beovox C30
Beomaster 4500
Beovox S75 with trumpet stands
Beolab 3000
Beogram 9500, MMC2
Beocenter 9500
Beovox S60
Beomaster 4000
Beocenter 1800
Beomaster 901
Beomaster 3000 (70's)
Beocom 5000
Beogram 1200
Beogram 2402
Beogram 1900
Beogram CD 3500
3x Beomaster 1000
Beomaster 2200
His Masters Voice 665
Beomaster 3000 (80')
Beovox CX100
Beovox 1000
Beocord 5000 (80's)
Beogram CD 50
Beomaster 5000
Beogram 5005
Master Contol Panel 5000
Beovox HT 1500
Beovox S80.2
Beomaster 1400K
2 pair Beovox 2500 (Cube)
Beocord 9000 (Cassette)
Beomaster 1200
Beomaster 1001
Beogram 1902
Master Control Panel 5500
Beomaster 1100
BeoCenter 7700
Beocord 1900
5x Beolink 1611 & 1614 converters
7x Mcl 2A
2x MCL 2AV
Beotalk 400
Beotalk 1100
Beotalk 1200
Beovox HT 2600
Beomaster 1600
Beocenter Terminal
Terminal 5000
2xTerminal 3000
Terminal 3300
Beomaster Terminal
Master Control Panel 7700
Beomaster Control Module (BM 2400-2)
Beocord 2000 (Cassette)
Beogram CD 3300
Beomaster 3300
2x Beocenter 3500
Beomaster 3000 (80's)
Beomaster 2400-2
Beocenter 8500
Beovoc CX100
2 pair Beovox CX50
Beomaster 6000
Beocord 8004
Beogram 1500
2x Beocord 5500
Beomaster 900K
Beosound Ouverture
Beogram CD 5500
Beovox RedLine 140
Beomaster 3000-2
Beovox Redline 60.2
Beogrem 6002
Beocenter 7700
Beocenter 7007
Beovox Redline 60
Beovox Redline 45.2
Beomaster 1900-2
Beovox S45 (6302)
Beovox S30
Beocenter 7002
There should also be a Beocenter 9000 and a Beogram 1700 somewhere.
Probably more hidden stuff.
//Bo.A long list...
I hit 100+ pieces when I stopped. I actually gave almost all the collection to the original owner of Beoworld as he had planned to set up a museum. This involved hiring a long wheelbase Transit to fit it all in and driving to France. Unfortunately the project died and when i collected the collection, the vast majority was damp damaged. I rather lost interest at that point so kept a few bits, sold some, gave some away and now have a very modest amount.
My main system is a Beocenter 2 with three TV sets attached - BV5,BV£ and BV Avant DVD. It was a collection of speakers and an MCL/ML system attached as well. I also have a Beolab 5000 system but I use BBC LS3/5A speakers with AB1 sub-woofers rather than Beovox 5000s and 2500s (though I do still have both of these!) , A Beomaster 4401 with Beogram 4000, 4001 and 4004 decks - depends which one is working!! - and M100.2 speakers. I have a BM 5500 with CX100s working with my iMac , and a collection of CD players I rarely use. I have too many VCRs, a BM6000 quad, a Beocord 5000 to chew up any tapes I don't like, and some other bits and pieces under the bed which have been there so long I forget what there is - apart from the S45.2s which i stub my toes on.
If i am honest, I don't see me getting any more - my eyesight is pretty poor these days and my hearing is truly awful! B&O seems to be a bit of a waste though the Moment did catch my eye - sort out the software and I could be a customer - i have a huge music library and need a better search mechanism.
It is an old thread but I just realised that I maybe went "over the border"... I don't want to list all my items. Here just one example...
Vintage Bang & Olufsen
I need one of those. And you do have some spare ones
I am sure you won't miss one or two!
I don't have nearly as much as you gentlemen, but I admit that I have run out of sensible rooms in which to place a working B&O system - they are also fighting for space with Quad systems. Not to have them in use seems a shame. However, I do enjoying bringing them back to life and so I have taken to giving away systems to friends and family (if I am lucky they even pretend to be pleased!).
chartz: I need one of those. And you do have some spare ones I am sure you won't miss one or two!
You are probably right, chartz. I would not miss one or two.
If you really want one, we can swap. You can choose one from the picture if you can offer me B&O item I am missing in my collection. Anyway, I think It will not be easy to find such one
My collection:
grey / aluminium:
Beomaster 5000 x 2
Beogram cd 5500 x 2
Beogram 5000 x 3
Beocord 5000 x 1
Beomaster 5500 x 1
Beogram cd 5500 x 1
Beocord 5500 x 1
Beomaster 6500 x 1
Beocord 6500 x 1
Beomaster 7000 x 1
Beogram CD 7000 x 1
Beovision 10- 32 x 1
Beovox m 150 x 1
Beolab Penta mk3 1
Beovox RL 7000 x 1
Beovox c 75 x 1 (black)
Beovox cx 100 x 1 (silber)
Form 1 x 1
Form 2 x 2
Likewise - I'm a small time player (although an awful lot of equipment passed through my hands when I used to buy & sell on ebay)
Also like you Bristol603, I do love giving stuff away, particularly to the younger generation who are usually genuinely surprised at the sound quality. Nearly always hooked up to a Bluetooth receiver, as these days who needs anything other than a phone as a source..... Having said that, I took a Beocenter 7000 and S45-2s round to a friend yesterday, (on loan, not gifted!) who wanted to listen to her unplayed-in-thirty-years-vinyl. Her eyebrows nearly shot off the top of her head when she heard the quality!