ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all,
I previously had a Beovision 7, I've now replaced this with a Sony 4k TV (very nice). I have B&O in every other room, and a masterlink plug still behind the new TV. Is there a device I can use to take an audio output from Sony TV so I can listen to it in other rooms?
I think the Beolink TV Converter 1615 could close this gap
Ah, think looks promising! Thanks :)
The standard Beolink converter will work fine as long as you don't have another ML tv on the network.
Ah, you know... A little B&O here, a little there
Hi guys,
I've got this now and plugged in. Is tehre anyway to tell if its on at all? Not sure if it's working!
Do you have an IR-Eye connected to the converter or is the converter connected to an audio-master?The Beolink converter should react to the "TV" command and open up its AUX-input.
Not really sure what you mean.
I have the beolink connected with a figure of 8 power cable, aux cable and masterlink. Do I need something else?
No, just press TV on your Beo4 or 1000 and you should hear the TV ...
If not, than you could/should change the option setting maybe. This should be explained in the manual of the converter.
jleckenby: Not really sure what you mean. I have the beolink connected with a figure of 8 power cable, aux cable and masterlink. Do I need something else?
Yep, I have a Beosound 3200 in the living room also, though nothing connected. It's just to power the A.AUX and radio for everything else.
I'm trying TV on any of my BeoLab 3500s through the house. If I press TV it turns on, then turns off after a couple seconds (assume this means it can't find it).
Any debugging suggestions? :)
Would be helpful to be more specific...
What AUX cable did you connect? You would need an adapter fpr the whatever TV headphone out...? Wiring?
ML is directly connected to the audiomaster (BS3200)? BS3200 set to A.OPT2?
If you select a video source with RCU (TV, DVD...) in front of your audiomaster does it turn on?
Did you install the 1611 (?) converter - a BL Video 1615 wouldn`t work in the scenario - by connecting ML cable and the mains?
Does your BS3200 turn on (to video source) if you select a video source in linkrooms?
jleckenby: Yep, I have a Beosound 3200 in the living room also, though nothing connected. It's just to power the A.AUX and radio for everything else.
Why not use the AUX socket - should be one on the 3200 - for the TV?
just cut the ML plugs from the ML cable that connected the BV and solder a 7(5) pin DIN plug for the AUX socket and a whatever plug for the whatever TV. You can use the audio wires...(you will only need three wires...) And you wont need a BL converter...and no extra mains socket...) :)
I'm using the aux cable I used before to connect my Beosound 3200 a.aux to an airport express (3.5mm). Surely that's not an issue though? Wouldn't the TV source work just with no sound if it was?
Can't use it for TV as its on the walll and would take a lot of work to get a cable from stereo to behind TV.
I'm not really sure what the rest means, sorry, newbie! Basically I have a Bousound 3200 and a few BeoLab 3500s all connected via masterlink. I've replaced a Beovision 7 who the masterlink worked with.
Hopefully that makes sense!
As for the converter it is a BL Video 1615. I'm basically looking for any BeoLab 3500 to work with the TV source. Don't need any control of Beosound 3200 in the same room as it has no speakers.
I don't know if this helps, but the Beovision 7 was the master (I think thats right, its where I configured everything like timers). Thats what has been replaced with the 1615.
As said before. BL Video 1615 won`t work - see my first post.
Try the 1611 converter or the AUX cable solder solution...
Hmm, what would a normal setup with a 1615 look like?
If I bought a 1611 would that respond to the tv input?
jleckenby: Hmm, what would a normal setup with a 1615 look like?
The answer is quite simple.
The 1615 is built to connect a link-Tv (non ML like old LX/MX-BVs) to a ML setup.This is why it`s called Beolink Video.
Therefor it only transmits audio from ML side to AAL (audio aux link) side in stereo, and it sends control signals from AAL to ML
- with one exception: system stdby command can be sent from everywhere in the setup and even to link-BVs.
This device won`t help you in your setup - as said before...
jleckenby: If I bought a 1611 would that respond to the tv input?
1611 Beolink converter is built for connecting audio- and videomaster with one product masterlinked and the other with AUDIO AUX connection.
It is able to send audio and control signals in both directions in an AV setup. This is what you need, and yes, if properly configured the connected audio product and the converter will respond to video commands like TV.
Hope this helps
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for you help and being a complete noob. By way of configuring what would I need to do to make it respond to the TV command?
1611 converter must detect your audiomaster on the Masterlink end. Connect the converter to your audiomaster with ML cable and then to the mains. This should make the converter configure to ML-audio and opening the AUX port when you select a video source (TV, DVD...). Your audio device must be able to respond to video sources. You have to set your BS to A.OPT 2 (this will make it responds to audio- AND video commands. Your link devices must be set to L.OPT 6 for the same reason. For option setting see manual or Beolink Handbook. For wiring of the AUX socket see beotech site here on Beoworld - you need Aux-in of the converter for your setup. To learn more about BL converters in a Masterlink setup see Lintronic site:
Sorry the late reply, hectic christmas!
I've gone through each room and and set A.OPT2/L.OPT 6. Went into Beo4 options, chose the right one and pressed go, assume that is correct.
When you say connect the converter to the audiomaster, can that be done using my existing cables or do I need a direct connection? I've ordered a 1611, fingers crossed! :D
Plugged in, all working fine :) thanks for the help!
Sorry, I didn't see your latest question, but I'm glad, that everything is working now.