ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I wonder whether you can combine a Beogram cd3500 with a Beomaster 2400.
I know that the BG3500 has a built in preamp and I am affraid I will damage my BM2400 when I connect the two.
It will work fine through the tape socket. Obviously no remote!
Thank you Peter,
Will connect them today.
Oops, I see now that this amplifier is a Beomaster 3000, (type 2931).
Mistook it for a 2400.
I did connect the CD3500 to the tape socket, but as soon as I press the play-button the reciever switches to phono.
And if I switch the reciever again to tape, then the CD-player switches to ´stop´. Cat and mouse.
Anything I can do about it?
B&O never made a cd-player for the 3000 system. At the time they made the Beogram CDX, with phono-plugs (RCA).They put some phono-sockets on the Beomaster 3000 as TP2 - which could be used for a CD player. But only the Beogram turntable and the Beocord could be remote-controlled. They were controlled from the Beomaster via Datalink (the two extra pins 6 and7 in the DIN plug). So I guess, that when you connect a Beogram CD, the receiver "thinks" that is a record-player.
You can solve the problem by removing the two pins (6/7) in the DIN plug on the CD3500. You will need a very small screwdriver.
I just removed the two pins and now it works like a charm!
Thank you for the reply Steffen.
I do like the fact that the Beogram CD players think they are real Beograms - they do actually use the opposite pin to the vinyl Beograms for datalink though. I use a BG CDX and a BG CD5500 with my Beolab 5000 amplifier! Both sound great!
I must say that I am also happy with sound of this BG CD3500,and also with the looks (used an old Akai for about ten years).
I am a bit worried about the amount of heat it produces, you can barely touch the heatsink.
Certainly hotter than the Beomaster ever gets.
I found an old topic about it, but think the conclusion is not satisfatory: a nondescript dealer (not B&O) assured the owner that this heat was normal.
Is it?
You could bypass the RIAA amplifier inside. Then you will have the remote functions. I did this during the 80's. Modified a newly aquired CDX-2 with 7 pins datalink instead of the 2 RCA plugs. At that time I used the beocord 2000 frequently next to the CDX-2.
Thank you Beobuddy for the suggestion.
But so far I have not been very succesfull with my electronic surgery operations, thus for now I will leave it as it is because the CD-player works fine.
I will keep it in mind though.
Did your Cd-players became hot while playing?