ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I need to replace the RCA cables due to a short at the connector. I have a donor with original cables, but am thinking about upgrading. Is it worth $65.00 for Litz cable, or should I stick with original cable?
I do have a concern about the following:
Resoldering the new cable along with the thin signal wire from the tone arm with the new rca cable.
Is removal of the tone arm required to gain access to the bottom of the TT?
Can I get to the bottom/underside (rca connection) without totally disassembling the TT?
I have had the donor apart when swapping out the top cover,dust cover, so I'm not scared of opening it up.
Thank You
Love my RX2 with my Mcintosh MC240