ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Please check the order of your local sources using the BeoSetup or a web browser pointing to http://<M5 IP address>
Go to: Your content / sources / in local list and make sure only your active sources are up and put Tunein first in the list
BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1
Yes, that was it. I used the browser. Works fine now.
Thanks a lot mbolo01.
You are welcome, and if you don't know the tip already, by turning while pressing the wheel you navigate through your preferred TuneIn stations.
Yes, I did know. But, thanks anyway.
I hope that future firmware will allow for further reducing the bass. I've set it to corner.