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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 1

rated by 0 users
This post has 3 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 200 Contributor
Posts 362
Bronze Member
kai Posted: Fri, Jul 14 2017 9:35 AM
After many years service my parents beosound 1 developed a fault the red stand by light rapidly flashes, I suspect it's a power fault, I had a look at the forum but did not see anything has anyone had this problem and can it be fixed, as the unit is nearly 12 years old, this model did not have the pincode
Top 200 Contributor
Posts 362
Bronze Member
kai replied on Tue, Jul 18 2017 7:07 PM
Further to my question regarding the beosound 1 which no has replied to. It seems as if it's the power supply which is a module the cost just for the module is £343. It's a shame I won't be going ahead with the repair at that price
Top 10 Contributor
Eastbourne, UK
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9 LEE replied on Tue, Jul 18 2017 9:12 PM

I'm sorry nobody replied to you Kai. It's possibly as not many people have access to B&O repair flow-charts, sadly.

As for the repair charge - welcome to todays B&O.  I love to repair and restore B&O for future generations, but the prices for parts mean many perfectly good products end up in the bin... and I'm talking BeoSound 5's, BeoLab 6000's, BeoSound 3200's and so on.

Even packaging prices have been cranked up to the point we can't viably ship some products.  Some boxes with polystyrene inserts have quadrupled (and more) in price over the last few years.

Obviously some accountant has said 'hey, people want to restore their B&O, and some people actually have the cheek to want to make a living from it... so let's hit them in the pocket!'

Ah well....

Top 200 Contributor
Posts 362
Bronze Member
kai replied on Tue, Jul 18 2017 9:25 PM
Hi lee

Thanks for replying, and yes you are right, I do remember we used to repair for the older customer, and now I'm one of them lol. But it sad lee that for me I will be replacing it this is true for a lot of older customers who will not pay the prices and I feel sorry for the technician. sadly for me the new products are not to my taste
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