ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I wondered how many of you own pets that freely roam your home. It can be a challenge to have nice stuff when having pets. We got a miniature dachshund in Feb and he's a real charmer. Luckily, the speakers are wall mounted and the Beogram is out of his reach. He has tried to chew a few LPs, I managed to hear the plastic cover rustling and stop him before he got through to the record cover. Sadly, a pair of Toms wasn't so lucky. Today, cleaning the bathroom, I opened the door and stepped out and wondered where the bathmat had gone...he'd snuck it away into the living room. Basically, anything that happens, is down to the owner's negligence, my fault for leaving the record cabinet open, or my shoes around.
Anyone ever lost any B&O stuff to claws or teeth?
I used to have a pair of Beovox Ms150's with the original speakers wires which my Border Collie decided to chew to a million pieces. Other than that I haven't had any other problems with B&O and pets.....I'd like to keep it like that! Personally I think humans probably cause more damage then pets! I am always complaining to people when they touch my B&O, like put the remote down gently for heavens sake!! It might get a scratch!! The worst is when people put a drink next to a B&O or put a drink on top of my beosystem 6500......just boggles my mind! How is that acceptable!
etype76: We got a miniature dachshund in Feb and he's a real charmer.
Here in Germany we have a saying about the dachshund: "You can't give him commands, only suggestions!" They have quite a personality. Luckily I've just lost some cables that where tested by our dog years ago if they are capable of being a little snack
Well I have a little boy just under two, which for the sake of this conversation is about the same as having a pet in terms of potential property damage :)
This is actually a moderately serious thing though. I have a BV7 which I'm keeping, largely because the large sound bar is metal and the whole unit is built like a tank. I can also brush the whole thing down with some wet wipes if he gets his sticky hands on it, which he does. I was looking to upgrade a few months ago, likely to a BV11, but the frets are cloth only which would probably last (at best) a month before he poked something through them or tore them somehow.
I do think that now that B&O are going for alternative speaker covers like those gorgeous wooden ones, there's maybe a market to offer a metal grille - I'm guessing it's a snap on thing with a bracket hooking whatever grille you use, it would be fairly easy to implement for people with toddlers or pets.
I'm guessing someone will ask "why don't you get a wall mounted tv instead?" Except I can't because I'm renting our current apartment and I'm not allowed to bold a huge TV mount to the wall.
We have two cats, and a water pistol was successfully used to train them from an early age to keep their claws away from my speaker grilles!
That said, one of them does like sitting on top of my loudspeakers in the lounge when the sun is shining - I said to my wife recently "she'll have to learn not to do that when we have Beolab 90s!". In response, she gave me that withering look that women do so well...
Cleviebaby:Many years ago I had a cat that was intrigued by the workings of my Beogram 4000. She had a tendency to sit on the lid until being removed forcibly. Not only dance proof but cat proof! At the time I had a pair of Quad ESL57s which the cat was thoroughly confused by. She leapt at one of them and got her claws stuck in the metal cover of the the membranes. She left them well alone after that! Cleve
At the time I had a pair of Quad ESL57s which the cat was thoroughly confused by. She leapt at one of them and got her claws stuck in the metal cover of the the membranes. She left them well alone after that!
That's funny Cleve! If she'd have gotten to the membranes and grids when they were energized that would have put her off doing it again too, ESLs can deliver a fairly painful shock if you do that. I remember getting bit by the big Koss electrostats we used to sell while having the back covers off to adjust the bass response which you did by moving the wires to the transformer to select different output voltages. Not fatal, but enough voltage that it was a really good static jolt. Worse than walking across a carpet and touching a door knob in winter by a fair amount. Got the attention of my coworkers...SNAP...followed by a string of curse words.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
well, my ten years old buddy Ludwig, an hovawart, just destroyed one powerlink cable when he was a baby (plus one shoe, some scratches at the wall near the entrance and two legs of a chair). i´m glad, that the rest of the nonsense he did (and still does) is with us and other dogs and pets . And our cat Barney, on the other hand, is afraid of the Avant. It´s another kind of funny home cinema, when he is so much more in a hurry to pass the beovision than the dog.
Wohnzimmer: BeoVision Avant 55", BeoLab 11, 12-2 und 12-3 für 5.1-Sound + appleTV 4K und Philips BluRay-Player; BeoSound 2, BeoSound 3000 (fast nur noch Deko)////Schlafzimmer: BeoEssence MkII, BeoLab 4000 + Samsung 46"-TV////Büro: BLC NL/ML, BeoSound 35, Thorens TD320MkII, Samsung 32"-TV, WesternDigital 4TB-Server////Bad: BeoLab 2000; alles CAT7 verkabelt////Küche: M5 (drahtlos) plus diverse apple-Geräte (imac, macbook, ipads, iphones, timecapsule, watch)
My cat still chews on power cords even tho I forced him to watch this video.
I have had pets around my B&O for years, and maybe i'm just lucky, but apart from dusting and wiping off some fur here and there, I have had zero issues. Attached are some pictures.
Unfortunately, though, they all have passed on. The orange and gray ones (their names were Duck & Owl, respectively) were brothers I had from when they were kittens, they passed a few years ago. The white and black cat, we adopted as an adult about 8 years ago (her name was VC -- long story) had to be put down just a couple of months ago . We are currently without pets. The house feels very empty.
This thread gave me a chance to look through old pictures, remember them fondly, and our life in my old small apartment, too. Good times
(Beovision Avant, Beogram 6500 TT, Beosound 9000, Duck, Beolab 2, Beolab 6000, Beocabinet 2164, Beo4 on the table)
(Beolab 2, Beovision Avant, Owl, wondering why I had rearranged some of his living room things, Beolab 3)
(VC, wondering why I'm taking her picture, Beolab 9, Beovision 11, my ugly feet )
VC wondering what new toy I've purchased for her
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
I've been fairly lucky so far in the tech stuff. My dachshund's more into socks, pants and shoes. He did nibble a lamp cable and let out a yelp a few months ago and hasn't touched a cable since. It was plugged in but not switched on, I guess he didn't like the sensation of soft chewy plastic giving way to a screeching metal core.
My family had a cat for 20 years and we never had any issues with her except wallpaper. It's great to look at the few photos I took of her sleeping on top of this and that. Those cats look very content around B&O!
Chris: Your earphone story was tragically funny, the pee is just the icing. It seems to me that when I'm at my most annoyed, the dog is saying "Sheesh, he miffed about something, should I warn him about the pee just behind his foot?...nah".
Where's Harper?
Apart from the scaphoid! Not a good bone to break! Hope it is mending ok.
Well it's been a month or so since I posted on this but I came back today to find that my little boy (2yo next month) had decided that my BV7 was a nice canvas for his yellow crayon. As I said though, this was a quick repair, a paper towel for the screen and a nailbrush to get the wax out of the speaker fret.
you want to see the beo4 for our TV. The children don't really treat it wth the respect it deserves! Well, it's a bit chipped , anyway.
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
I do think that after all this, perhaps my conclusions are that
1) There are plenty B&O owners who own pets and/or small children
2) The current range (when not wall mounted, which is not an option when renting) is susceptible to very expensive damage whereas many items in the past were repairable if not impregnable
I especially do wish they got round to offering a floor mounted television that was toddlerproof. The new one with the wooden speaker thing is lovely, if you could get that in, for instance, adonised metal with a hint of colour I'd likely buy one on the day of release.
BeoNut since '75
The ability to wall-mount the equipment has always been a good way that B&O items are protected. My children are 10 and 14 and that's a lot younger than our Century which they've hardly ever touched. In fact, when the thing was new we had guests at a party trying to open the glass door manually. It survived.
The M5 and its resemblance to a cats scratching post reminded me of this thread.
Simonbeo:The M5 and its resemblance to a cats scratching post reminded me of this thread.
Tiny speaker or large cat? This is Pippa, a new addition to our family. Her big sister Fiona did not wish to have her photo taken.
Both Pippa and Fiona don't really pay attention to the B&O around the house. Thank goodness.