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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BLGW Favorites List

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ahjrennie Posted: Sat, Feb 4 2017 8:04 AM

Hi All,

I am trying to use the beolink app for most operations on my TV and one component of this would be to use the favourites list. It's far easier than remembering the 3 letter channel code on my virgin media TIVO box, I am having trouble programming it however. 

In the BLGW under the favourites list The logo, caption and URL for image are all easy to complete. The bit I am having trouble with is coding the command box. The help section is not super useful.

So far I have tried many combinations of delay, select, putting 0's before the actual code but I can't get any of the commands to trigger correctly on a consistent basis. 

The issue seems to be when i click the logo on the beolink app it selects the source for virgin media tivo and the screen goes black (the time the screen is black is not consistent as my source is through an HDMI Matrix (Pulse 8)). I then usually get the second two digits entered and the first doesn't enter as it's input too quickly - it seems the TV (Avant 55) is still selecting the source so it misses this digit. 

I have tried adding a specific delay but it seems the code won't allow for a delay as the first command. 

Any input from you all would be very appreciated. 


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Aleksei replied on Wed, Aug 30 2017 10:45 AM

I had the similar issue on MLGW - it only reacts on single digit number from the favorites list. Well, I was happy with 9 channels only, so was not a big problem for me. :)

I thought that in BLGW it should be fixed... Did not check yet.


2:BV7+BL7.4+BL3500+BM5+BL3+Lutron GE/Sivoia QS+HikVision+Dune+LinTronic+BLGW+Beo4+Beo5+Essence remote+BeoTime+BeoLinkPC+BL4+KNX+... BeoMaster900

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