ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I've heard similar things when the cord isn't plugged into the headphone completely/well. Check that first.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
From where did you buy them?
Ban boring signatures!
I recommended a colleague to buy H4 and there was no baggy either. i was like HUH?
jonprocter:The Beoplay eBay page (seller name is just ‘beoplay’) - have used it before with no problems so I’m certain they’re genuine
Of course it is genuine. Do people "genuinely" sit there and think it might not be - a page, which has been trading for years btw - under a registered trademark? B&O would have it closed down in days. Think things through guys. Please?
This Beoplay eBay store is registered and official and hosted by Kondor ( These guys handle all B&O's returns and check everything, repack if necessary and sell as "refurbished". They are also a logistics warehouse and handle other brands, too.
I posted this thread some time ago, but nobody really cared...
9 LEE: I posted this thread some time ago, but nobody really cared... LINK Lee
- its not you mate, honest!
Puncher: - its not you mate, honest!
ngnear:Hey, how did that picture of my girlfriend get on here?
That's my wife!!