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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster wont powerdown Beolab Speakers

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Top 75 Contributor
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Bronze Member
Weebyx Posted: Mon, Oct 2 2017 7:54 AM


I am having trouble with a Beomaster 7000 which is almost back to life :)

The issue is that it will not put for instance Beolab Penta into red led mode, but remains in green even though the beomaster is in, but with display off.

It seems as the 12v line keeps the speaker on, because of the voltage remaining at 1.3/1.4v.

I have compaired the 28v line with the 12v line in, and it looks like there is AC on the 12v line ? is that a correct understanding, and does anyone have any ideas on what is going on ? All caps in the powersupply has been replaced with new, and the voltages around the board is very much as they should when powered on.

My measurements on the scope has been at TR2 and TR5 collector. The 28v line is nice and flat, but the 12v line is not as nice..






I would appreciate any input as this is one of the last issues I face, but cannot seem to get a hold of :)

If anyone has an open BM6500/7000 they could compare measurements on, that would also be nice :)



Top 75 Contributor
Posts 1,213
Bronze Member
Weebyx replied on Mon, Oct 2 2017 7:15 PM

I am an idi.... !!!

Could really not figure out what was happening with the Beolab Penta MK2.. It behaved really weird when connected to the BM7000.

Decided to connect my Penta MK3's to the BM instead.. all is fine with the BM7000, there must be something wrong with the Penta 2. I have completely restored the amplifier in both the MK2 and 3, and they are identical inside, so it really puzzles me. Maybe I have reversed 2 wires from the powerlink socket in the MK2. need to disassemble them, and find out :)

Sorry for the spam :)


Top 25 Contributor
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts 3,972

The mk2 and mk3 are not completely identical.

The difference can be found in pin 1 and pin 4 Cut the trace(s) on the socket PCB coming from pin1. Join then the rest of the trace (from pin 1) going into the amplifier together with the trace comping from pin 4.

Top 25 Contributor
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts 3,972

You forgot to mention the small "MK2" detail...

Top 25 Contributor
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Posts 3,972

As posted in the general forum, here (again) the picture with the mofified trace at pin 1 (and shortened to pin 4).


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