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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Is there women in this forum ?

This post has 22 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab Posted: Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:55 AM
As I often meet collectors who have had problems (and still have) with their wife because of the lack of place or of the look of the speakers. I just wonder if there are women members on this forum.

Since I am on this forum, I haven't seen one.

This is maybe an opportunity for single members to find a more comprehensive wife Big Smile

4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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Dillen replied on Fri, Oct 17 2014 2:02 PM

A handful or two.


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Brian replied on Fri, Oct 17 2014 3:42 PM

My three daughters once they grow up. While visiting relatives, one of my daughters thought that the TV was broken because you had to aim the remote directly at the TV to get it to work. Then afterward she remarked they should get a B&O.

Chris Townsend
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This is my wife..

Me "I'm ordering some Beolab 8000's"

Her "A pair of Beolab 5's will do very nicely"

Me "We don't have the room for Beolab 5's"

Her "Time to get a bigger house then!"Cool

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

Dave Farr
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Dave Farr replied on Fri, Oct 17 2014 4:14 PM

Chris Townsend:
This is my wife..



Me "I'm ordering some Beolab 8000's"



Her "A pair of Beolab 5's will do very nicely"



Me "We don't have the room for Beolab 5's"



Her "Time to get a bigger house then!"Cool

A 'keeper' Chris, a keeper!



Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab replied on Fri, Oct 17 2014 5:44 PM
Chris Townsend:

This is my wife..

Me "I'm ordering some Beolab 8000's"

Her "A pair of Beolab 5's will do very nicely"

Me "We don't have the room for Beolab 5's"

Her "Time to get a bigger house then!" Beovision 7-55 Mk2, 2xBeovision 8-32, Avant RF 28, beolab 8000, Beoplay A9, Beolit 12, Beocom 2, Beotime, H6, Form 2.

Women are definetely unreasonable !

Concerning the bl5, I found them really smaller than expected in my house and I placed them at a place where the width of the room is less than 3 meters.

With the calibration system, they can be used into small room without any problem.

It is a pity to use them in this condition because of their original capabilities.

4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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elephant replied on Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:45 AM

A handful or two.


I even met Judith - however they have away from the UK.

Interestingly the Melbourne stores have women who love the products they sell and buy them for themselves.

The Avant has been quite successful with the staff !

BeoNut since '75

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DMacri replied on Mon, Oct 9 2017 8:51 PM
Had to share this. A few weeks ago I told my wife I’d like to get a pair of Pentas, but I was concerned she may not like them because they are so tall. A week later she told me “I found a pair of them for on Craig’s list for $360. Let’s get them!”

Last week she went on the 3 hour round trip with me to pick them up and even helped me get them into the van. One of a kind?


2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio 

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It took 4 years of saving and 2 years of convincing the wife before she relented. We now have a pair of exdemo BL90s and she absolutely loves the way they look and is astounded by how clear everything sounds.




Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.

Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.


The Beonic Man
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I find the tone of this thread sexist and disrespectful to women. I wouldn't feel encouraged if I were a female forum member reading this. May I suggest that this thread is removed by a moderator? Simon.

B&O products are V1-32, BS2, H95, E8 and an Essence remote.
11-46 now replaced with Sony A90J 65”, Sony HT-A9, Sony UBP-X800M2 and Sony SRS-NS7.


Top 200 Contributor
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA
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Tucker replied on Mon, Oct 9 2017 10:01 PM

My girlfriend, who lives with me, thought I was crazy when I first started with my B&O obsession.  She "tolerated" my first few purchases of my Beomaster 5000, Beogram 5005, Beovox S45-2s, and thought my Beosound 9000 was "a bit excessive".  She started to turn more towards liking it when I hung a Beosound Century in the kitchen, and now she is super excited about putting a Beosound 9000 and Beolab 4000s in her study room.  I think after experiencing the difference between run of the mill radios/music players and B&O on a daily basis, it will turn anyone to the dark side... Cool

Beosound 9000 MK III, Beosound Century, Beogram 5005, Beolab 8000, Beolab 5000,  Beolab 4000, Beolab 5, Beovision 8, Beovision 10, Beovision 5, Beoplay A2, Beoplay E8, Beoplay H6.

Top 200 Contributor
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA
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Tucker replied on Mon, Oct 9 2017 10:11 PM


I find the tone of this thread sexist and disrespectful to women. I wouldn't feel encouraged if I were a female forum member reading this. May I suggest that this thread is removed by a moderator? Simon.

I can see how it could be taken that way, even though the ratio on the forum is probably vastly different.  Maybe a new thread encouraging more women to join in the love of B&O would be better received.  I will admit, my significant other thought it was a silly obsession at first but now I think she would enjoy being a forum member.  I hope nothing I said earlier was taken negatively...  Crying

Beosound 9000 MK III, Beosound Century, Beogram 5005, Beolab 8000, Beolab 5000,  Beolab 4000, Beolab 5, Beovision 8, Beovision 10, Beovision 5, Beoplay A2, Beoplay E8, Beoplay H6.

Chris Harrison
Top 200 Contributor
Peak District
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..........and I thought this was the B&O dating thread....!

Beosound 8, Beotime, Beocom 4, Beo 5, Lutron Rania, MacBook 15" (Mid 2015), iPad Pro, iPhone 6S, B&O Play H3, Beolit 12, Form 2, A8 Headphones, B&O Play A1, B&O Essence

Top 10 Contributor
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elephant replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 7:08 AM
Interestingly three wives / partners were at the B&O Beer Lovers event in Riva.

One of whom does not drink beer.

They are all to be saluted.

And btw, while there was much talk of beer I did not here any substantial B&O discussions.

I think my wife was ever so slightly disappointed (or perhaps surprised) by that.

BeoNut since '75

Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
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One of the beautiful aspects of the Internet is our ability to disguise or misrepresent ourselves.

Many years ago a friend of mine who is an avid gamer and software programmer told me she intentionally did not reveal her gender in the many online discussions and found that she was able to have technical discourse and arguments online as a genderless voice that she was unable to find in person or when it was known she was female.

Granted, this was one person's experience but I usually assume the person on the other end of the conversation online is different than I picture them to be.
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CB replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 8:16 AM
Saint Beogrowler:
I usually assume the person on the other end of the conversation online is different than I picture them to be.
I couldn’t believed it when I saw you in Riva. I thought your avatar’s picture was you Big SmileLaughing

Otherwise, do not expect to find a lot of women on a (mainly) technical forum.

It’s just like that (even if it sounds like prejudices). The lifestyle part of Beoworld is certainly the place to go, and also the Flash your B&O thread.

No sexism from me here: I also prefer these discussions Cool
Top 50 Contributor
Helsinki, Finland
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I find the tone of this thread sexist and disrespectful to women. I wouldn't feel encouraged if I were a female forum member reading this. May I suggest that this thread is removed by a moderator? Simon.

Let men be men. Nothing sexist about that.

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
Saint Paul
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I couldn’t believed it when I saw you in Riva. I thought your avatar’s picture was you

Otherwise, do not expect to find a lot of women on a (mainly) technical forum.

It’s just like that (even if it sounds like prejudices). The lifestyle part of Beoworld is certainly the place to go, and also the Flash your B&O thread.

No sexism from me here: I also prefer these discussions

Or was the man you met in Riva the real and actual Saint Beogrowler? Surprise

Why are women not found on technical forums? Maybe it is because us men need more help or encouragement than they do. I have known multiple female motorheads that wouldn't dream of talking about their new rims on a car forum.

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 9:20 AM


I find the tone of this thread sexist and disrespectful to women. I wouldn't feel encouraged if I were a female forum member reading this. May I suggest that this thread is removed by a moderator? Simon.

Let men be men. Nothing sexist about that.

Haven't numerous studies shown that men/boys have a more natural inclination towards mechanical/technical things than (most) women?


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Duels replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 9:42 AM

Haven't numerous studies shown that men/boys have a more natural inclination towards mechanical/technical things than (most) women?


Yes but it didn't do that bloke at Google much good recently when said that in a memo and then got himself fired.
Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Saint Beogrowler:

Granted, this was one person's experience but I usually assume the person on the other end of the conversation online is different than I picture them to be.

In my case it is actually a real picture....

.....shot in the early morning.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 500 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
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Jon replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 11:40 AM
Seconded - completely agree. While I’m sure nobody is trying to come across as sexist on here, some of the replies on this thread quite simply are.
Top 10 Contributor
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elephant replied on Tue, Oct 10 2017 3:50 PM


I find the tone of this thread sexist and disrespectful to women. I wouldn't feel encouraged if I were a female forum member reading this. May I suggest that this thread is removed by a moderator? Simon.


Let men be men. Nothing sexist about that.


Haven't numerous studies shown that men/boys have a more natural inclination towards mechanical/technical things than (most) women?

Nature versus Nurture ?

I heard her talk at Apple and seen her TEDtalk

Quite inspiring

BeoNut since '75

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