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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


hiding cables

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Top 500 Contributor
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stampfki Posted: Fri, Jun 1 2018 5:25 PM

Hi all,

In my new apartment the Loewe TV plus Beolab 20 MKII will be on a motorized stand. the lowboard which will take all devices like ATV, XBOX, Mac Mini stands 3m away. Any thought how to manage the cables?


Top 75 Contributor
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Is your stand a monopod Loewe stand?

I've got a non B&O TV with a monopod stand and all the cables running through it and after in a sock along the floor.

It houses :
- a 2 wire power cable.
- 2 HDMI cables.
- 2 audio cables.
- A needed control cable equivalent in thickness to an ethernet cable.

They run in a plastic duct covered by a black hose (Woolford are good because they dont scratch when you run connectors into it!).

It's one big black wire better than 6 alone dancing. My devices are 3 meters far too.

Hope this help.

Top 500 Contributor
Siemianowice Sl., Poland
Posts 111
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Peter replied on Fri, Jun 1 2018 11:02 PM

I am using L-shaped aluminium sections available in store with building materials. They are silver or gold and have various dimensions. One can be fixed to wall and the other glued to it creating a rectangle metal duct able to hide cables. Looks very nice. Use adhesive tape to fix the other part until glue dries up.

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