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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


PUC blaster delay with GO button press on beocenter 6 23

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ebnrob Posted: Tue, Jun 5 2018 12:16 PM

Hi folks,

I am using a FLIRC USB IR receiver connected to my fire TV stick to receive IR commands sent from the beocenter 6 23's PUC IR blaster. I am using the PACE SKY+ STB PUC option on the TV. All works except that there is a delay of a few seconds before the TV blasts the GO button command from the beo4. This makes navigating the fire TV quite painful. Is this normal? Its nothing to do with the FLIRC or the fireTV stick as using my phone's camera I can see the IR blaster lighting up a few seconds after the OK press on the beo4 - its like there is a processing delay going on in the TV. The beo4 is firing the GO command as soon as it's pressed. All other IR commands get blasted from the TV's instantly too. Does anyone have ideas how I can fix this?

Many thanks.

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Exeter, Devon, UK
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Is it worth trying a different PUC option to see if the go button behaves the same? If not, and it's faster, re learn those codes with your FLIRC 


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ebnrob replied on Wed, Jun 6 2018 10:30 AM

Good idea, just tried a few different PUC options and still the same problem :(


It's really weird how it's just the GO button that is delayed.

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beoaus replied on Thu, Jun 7 2018 7:01 AM

Unfortunately I believe your Beocentre 6 needs an update to reliably resolve the delay. 

Suggest contacting a dealer. The upgrade if you deliver the TV should be inexpensive and you can get PUC's updated for new devices. Possibly then getting IR leads from Steve at Sounds Heavenly.



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Exeter, Devon, UK
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Are you able to teach the FLIRC a different button to act as the GO button? Maybe one of the coloured buttons perhaps?

I have a FLIRC dongle to do the same as you when I get round to setting up my Beosystem 3.  At the moment just watching a Beocenter 1 and using the FireTV remote for control. I haven’t played with the FLIRC yet but believe you can teach it on the PC.


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Stones replied on Fri, Jun 8 2018 6:35 AM
I noticed the same on my old Avant. A single GO command is delayed. My understanding was that the STB controller waits for a second command as some instructions from Beo4 consist of GO+another key. Try to hit GO twice to send it immediately or try another PUC list where GO is sent alone.
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ebnrob replied on Fri, Jun 8 2018 10:51 AM

Hi Stones, thanks for the reply, I also found this on the web contained in a Lintronic PDF guide called 'Why move to HW6': 

When you look at the remotes of non B&O devices you will see a lot of keys. Much more than a Beo4 has. So it is quite tricky to map all necessary keys to one on the Beo4. B&O usually does by matching functions to Go+number key.

This concurs with your understanding. So I wonder if it is the beo4 or the TV waiting for a number key press. If the former perhaps there is a setting on the beo4 remote to disable the GO+number function? 

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ebnrob replied on Fri, Jun 8 2018 10:57 AM

Hi Stoobie, thanks, good idea I could do that too.

Yep the FLIRC device is seen as a USB keyboard by the FireTV and you teach the FLIRC to react to the IR commands using the windows program. The FLIRC cannot read the beo4 IR signals as its a different frequency, so you have to teach it codes from a device in the PUC list and have the IR eye attached to the FLIRC behind the TV. The PUC IR codes are then translated to keyboard presses which the FireTV understands. 

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Stones replied on Fri, Jun 8 2018 4:02 PM

So I wonder if it is the beo4 or the TV waiting for a number key press. If the former perhaps there is a setting on the beo4 remote to disable the GO+number function?

It’s in the STB controller. E.g on Apple remote PUC codes there is no delay.
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ebnrob replied on Fri, Jun 8 2018 4:35 PM

Ok great thanks. I don't recall seeing Apple TV in the list, Now TV was there though, I'll try it this evening. Many thanks.

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