ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
As an old timer, I remember Beoworld not only being very informative but also a really fun place to post and generally hang out!
Sadly (and I say this with great regret) the "fun" element seems to have gone - have the fun people left and if so why? - have, in general, internet forums moved on to be inhabited by dry, PC types? - have the Beoworld old guard lost interest and faith in the new products or company (please differentiate in replies)? In short, what has happened to my favourite forum?
Ban boring signatures!
Some of us are still here, but feeling just like you!
I do remember, in the old days, some posters objecting to the 'fun' or slightly off topic threads, and such threads have now for the most part gone.
Now we have endless problem product threads, reflecting product quality and frustrated buyers of both new and classic used. The classic used products are now getting so old that they are breaking down at an increased frequency, just like the new software based stuff.
Probably all the fun has gone to Facebook.........depending on ones definition of fun.
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Millemissen: Probably all the fun has gone to Facebook.........depending on ones definition of fun. MM
Is Facebook fun!?
vikinger: Some of us are still here, but feeling just like you! I do remember, in the old days, some posters objecting to the 'fun' or slightly off topic threads, and such threads have now for the most part gone. Now we have endless problem product threads, reflecting product quality and frustrated buyers of both new and classic used. The classic used products are now getting so old that they are breaking down at an increased frequency, just like the new software based stuff. Graham
I wouldn't profess to know the answer but I can't help feeling we've shifted from a "loving, fun, family community" to a dry, soulless, spec-quoting site where somehow, ownership is more important than what the brand is/was/stood for.
Puncher: Is Facebook fun!?
Don’t know....never been there 🙄
The forum needs a jester - who’d like to volunteer 🤪
Millemissen: Puncher: Is Facebook fun!? Don’t know....never been there 🙄 MM
Me Neither - ever! - I'm proud to say!
Millemissen: The forum needs a jester - who’d like to volunteer 🤪 MM
We had several, who, alas, have all disappeared!
2x BeoSystem 3, BeoSystem 5000, BeoSystem 6500, 2x BeoMaster 7000, 2 pair of BeoLab Penta mk2, AV 7000, Beolab 4000, BeoSound 4000, Playmaker, BeoLab 2500, S-45, S-45.2, RL-140, CX-50, C-75, 3x CX-100, 3x MCL2 link rooms, 3x Beolab 2000, M3, P2, Earset, A8 earphones, A3, 2x 4001 relay, H3, H3 ANC, H6, 2014 Audi S5 with B&O sound, and ambio
I think it's a combination of declining interest due to the decline in quality and aspirational characteristics of the products, along with the kind of intolerant, creeping PC that seems to be infecting too many online communities. Some people take things far too seriously, and there are people here who are intolerant of any pointing out of B&O's problems, so much a fanboi that they can't abide discussion of the issues. I can kind of grok that, I at one time was as big a fan of B&O as anyone, and I have a long list of B&O gear I own to prove it, but I can see when the emperor is nekkid.
The only real threads of interest to me anymore are the ones repairing and restoring old gear. The threads with what appear to be endless problems with this new product or that latest software update just make me shake my head and wonder whatever happened to my beloved B&O. I may not be restoring the item that's being worked on in an old product thread, but I read them anyway and learn a great deal.
I have a few other thoughts, but I'd best keep them to myself lest I upset anyone too much.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Puncher:We had several, who, alas, have all disappeared! Ban boring signatures!
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.
Member PaulW's Facebook profile should not be displayed without his permission.
We try to keep it fun and lighthearted over on the BeoTalk podcast/thread/youtube. There is still much potential and I personally like the community still. I feel that people though don't necessarily take it too seriously, but it seems that a lot of people (everywhere) take everything personally nowadays. But it might just be me :p either way, it's still fun to have fun and I appreciate this forum a lot!
New: Beovision Harmony, Beolab 50's, Beolab 28's, Beolab 18's, Beolab 17's, Beosound Stage & LG, Beosound 2, Beoplay M3, Beoplay A1, Beoplay Portal, Beoplay H4 gen 2, Beoplay E8 3.0
Mikipedia on YouTube:
Mikipedi4 on Twitch:
Mikipedia on Intagram:
Old: Beosound 9000 mk3, Beolab 3's, Beovision Eclipse, Beolab 1's, Beolab 2, Beovision 10-46, Overture 2300, beolab 8000's, Beolab 4000's, Beovision avant 32" etc. etc.
Yes the fun is gone, the heated discussions disappeared, the off topic remarks gone. for me the interest in new products disappeared with a functional on/off button. I started on the forum about 10 years ago and at the same time started my first repairs of old gear, at that time we could have 10 or more ongoing threads in the workbench where members from all over the globe was helping out, where we more often than not, went off topic until one of the moderators got us back again. Today we are lucky to find one (1) thread about vintage equipment repair or restore, most only the member doing a write up of his work, barely a remark or question about it, help is still there but slower and from fewer members, where we in the good old days got help nearly online and from a lot more members. We had long threads about which components were the best and where to buy them, also different repair procedures were discussed, the old guard is still there but mostly only reading, so maybe we are getting too old, and no new ones are coming. Today as I write this I am considering if I will renew my gold membership, running out on Mars 27, or not which I never even thought about before.
Jeff please share your other thoughts so someone get upset
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Chris Townsend: Puncher: We had several, who, alas, have all disappeared! Ban boring signatures! It’s a shame you aren’t on Facebook. Paul Wynn’s page is a corker, you’d love
Puncher: We had several, who, alas, have all disappeared! Ban boring signatures!
It’s a shame you aren’t on Facebook. Paul Wynn’s page is a corker, you’d love
You've no idea how much this saddens me if it's in anyway a true reflection upon where we are heading as a race!
If he introduced himself by his Facebook "tagline" to anyone in Newcastle his lifespan (regardless of nutrition) could be measured in milliseconds!
I don't do Facebook, Twitter, any social media. But looking at Paul's page, holy carp, he's a living example of why I don't do Social Media, there are too many people like that on it.
I know there are a couple of members out there that really don't like me. All I can say is that flappo has said I'm a jerk, so they're in good company.
Thanks Chris for that PaulW page, that was great fun.
Brain exercice : crackling Century, Beovision 6, surf and Mac.
BeoGreg: Thanks Chris for that PaulW page, that was great fun. Brain exercice : crackling Century, Beovision 6, surf and Mac.
I would say that if all four crop up on any internet page then do yourself a favour and either move straight on or else lock safely away any loaded weapons before reading!
Chris Townsend: Member PaulW's Facebook profile should not be displayed without his permission.
Nevermind! It did cheer a few of us up while it was here!
I'm as guilty as anyone for being a bit down and negative about the way things have gone for the brand, which in all honesty has drained me of much of my humour and upbeat attitude. I can only apologise for this. B&O was my life, my future and also something to take me into my pension. I put my heart and soul into it, then when it all falls apart around you through absolutely nothing you've done wrong personally it's a bitter pill to swallow...
I also think the world is indeed becoming incredibly sensitive. We almost look for new and inventive ways to be outraged!! It saddens me.
I was on LinkedIn yesterday and some airline had posted an image of a pilot with a large bunch of flowers. It was an image accompanying their support for International Womens Day and the internet went mad with disgust, outrage and condemnation. Interflora seem to be making millions out of females enjoying a beautiful bunch of flowers - so how about attacking them, too? It's not as if the pilot was holding up a shirt and pointing to an iron - was it?!!! Honestly...
I'm also not sure if the world is just pretty volatile at the moment. Politics and Economies are in flux, the media feed us with bad news hour by hour, and the internet in general seems to have become a haven for greed, avarice and selfishness.
... or am I just getting old and grumpy?
Isn't it a public page?
9 LEE:... or am I just getting old and grumpy?
Puncher will cheer you up
I don't think you're getting too grumpy Lee. Accurate in noticing the state of the world, absolutely, there's a lot wrong, especially in the online world. Getting old? I don't know, do you sit outside and tell kids "your music sucks and get off my lawn!"???
Jeff:Isn't it a public page? Jeff I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Look here what happens to fun
Jeff: ..... do you sit outside and tell kids "your music sucks and get off my lawn!"???
..... do you sit outside and tell kids "your music sucks and get off my lawn!"???
I'm very lucky in that my Son appreciates all the music I loved from my teens to my thirties and my Daughter has impeccable taste in the modern stuff too! I actually say "turn that music UP!!!" more than I say down.. Luckily I like music from the 70's to present day in all forms except Jazz, Techno and Country & Western so I'm lucky really.
As for my lawn, Meh.... grass is a weed. It recovers, no matter what you do to it.
The thing I just don't get is kids watching kids chatting drivel to a webcam and those kids earning a fortune from doing it! Companies pay them fortunes to keep doing so, as long as it sells their products. I used to have a famous YouTuber called Joe Weller live next door to me. All he seemed to do was go to the gym, drive his Mercedes around, and film himself living his daily life!! For goodness sake, whoever watches that needs to get one of their own..
Anyway... enough of that. How could we inject more fun into BeoWorld? Any suggestions? I'm up for it...
Søren Mexico: Look here what happens to fun
Oh FFS! That's a perfect example of what's wrong with too many people. Egos that are easier to bruise than a ripe peach.
How to make BW more fun? A few Thunderdome/steel cage/death matches maybe? Thing is you can't make it more fun than the brand and the majority of the "members" support. The more people like a male member the members include the worse it'll be.
I think it's hard to counteract a lack of enthusiasm for the current state of B&O. Unless and until that changes we're stuck with a lack of interest and enthusiasm here. If B&O survives, I have serious doubts given the path lately. But I suppose I'm overly negative. But if you banned everyone who said anything negative about B&O I think this place would be a ghost town.
Wow. How did that cartoon get turned into an insult? Yes, that thread summarises how the fun has been drained from everything!
9 LEE:Anyway... enough of that. How could we inject more fun into BeoWorld? Any suggestions? I'm up for it...
We could always post pictures of any fellow members we know wearing lime green, overly small jogging apparel?
There used to be awards here for the most entertaining posters, now i guess it would be for the most offended
Jeff: I don't think you're getting too grumpy Lee. Accurate in noticing the state of the world, absolutely, there's a lot wrong, especially in the online world. Getting old? I don't know, do you sit outside and tell kids "your music sucks and get off my lawn!"???
I do this and I am in my early 30's lol So it can't be actual age :p
Puncher: Millemissen: The forum needs a jester - who’d like to volunteer 🤪 MM We had several, who, alas, have all disappeared!
I don't doubt for a second that Andy would volunteer!
Life circumstances have made me reduce my collection and my hobby in general terms.. Not so much time (or space) to spend on over-hauling BeoGear like I used to and that leads to less time on the forum for me.
Beo4 'til I die!
Don't click if you don't have a sense of humor:
P.S. If anyone thinks actually having your name known makes people behave better has never really looked at Twitter or Facebook.
My wife when I buy a new vintage object, no translation needed
Jeff:Don't click if you don't have a sense of humor: Duckman P.S. If anyone thinks actually having your name known makes people behave better has never really looked at Twitter or Facebook. Jeff I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Lost interest in the hobby, plus I pretty much had everything I wanted. So I vanished, while I was gone I hooked up with an old friend from my time in the U.S. Marines, who had retired from the airlines and moved back to the neighborhood of his childhood. He convinced me to come visit and now I am spending most of my free money and winters hanging out in the Philippines.
and yes I have plenty photos to prove it
I don't know, I think it'd be hard to be more cynical than I am. Plus, believing people would behave better if not anonymous is optimistic I think. But given the kind of nutters running around lose online, anonymity has its advantages. For example, anyone creepily obsessive enough to keep an ongoing list over a couple of years of everything you said about them they didn't like is just likely to be obsessive enough to show up on your doorstep if they could figure out where you lived. Which is likely to turn out fatal for at least one person, if not both.
BTW, RIcardo, I've always loved your avatar. One of too few people who remember that show.
I still watch it. Good campy fun. I had naughty feelings for Lt. Ellis. I think I was 11 or 12 when they aired it in Indianapolis on Saturday afternoons