ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Looking for advice
I would like to buy the turntable for my set :
Beosound Moment
Beolab 20's
Can anyone suggest turntable make etc ..
Many Thanks
Linn, Rega, ProJect, an refurbished beogram,... The prizes are between 300€ and 10K€.
It's difficult to give you an advice without knowing the price range you are looking for. Do you wanna have an inbuild pre-amp and what kind of design do you like?
The question sounds a liitle bit like: "i wanna buy a new car, which one can you recommend?" ;)
I was really impressed with my old Pro-ject RPM 6. I used it with my BeoLab 5's and a Pro-Ject Phono Box pre-amp.
I'm now using my Classic Audio restored 1967 Beogram 3000 (Thorens), so the Pro-Ject is on eBay!
For a 'clean install' you could go for a pre-amped B&O deck. These are the BeoGram 3500, 4500, 6500 or 7000. You'll pay a premium for these though, and also bear in mind a worn stylus will significantly impact on the sound quality. Popping a refurbed stylus in one of these decks instead of the original/old one can be akin to taking cotton wool out of your ears!!
I was thinking to spend around 1k
Friend of mine suggested
Thorens TD520 or TD320
Hi Lee,
How does the Project compare to Beogram 3000 ?
What cartridge have you used in Project ?
Around 1K, i would buy a Pro-Ject or a Rega. Normally these two brands have the best "quality / cost balance".
Be aware that, no matter how good a table things like the Project and such are, and they are good tables, they are fully manual. You put the arm on the record yourself, and they do not pick up or stop at the end, so you have to do that too.
The Beograms were fully automatic tables. Which is why I went back to my BG3000 tangential after living with a very nice VPI HW19 setup years ago. The Beogram was much easier to use and live with at least to me.
Just something to consider before spending money on a turntable.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Brigantinus: Around 1K, i would buy a Pro-Ject or a Rega. Normally these two brands have the best "quality / cost balance".
So should I forget about Beogram ?
Jeff: Be aware that, no matter how good a table things like the Project and such are, and they are good tables, they are fully manual. You put the arm on the record yourself, and they do not pick up or stop at the end, so you have to do that too. The Beograms were fully automatic tables. Which is why I went back to my BG3000 tangential after living with a very nice VPI HW19 setup years ago. The Beogram was much easier to use and live with at least to me. Just something to consider before spending money on a turntable.
Jeff how about sound quality ?
Does beogram still sound as good ?
Fortunately for me, my MMC2 cartridge.still works and still sounds very good. Different table/cartridge combos sound different, far more so than anything digital, but let's just say that when I went from a VPI with an ADC carbon fiber arm and a Sumiko Blue Point cartridge to the Beogram with the MMC2, I didn't feel it was a step down. Sounded different, but not clearly better or worse. Opinions will vary though on that. And the BG3000 wasn't one of the best B&O tables.
There are a few semi-auto tables out there now, but I've lost track of who makes what. Since I'm happy with my setup, and I seldom play LPs, I'm fine with it.
One thing to check on is whether or not the table you buy has adjustable anti-skating, that is easily adjusted by you. In order to make the tables more idiot proof, many of the lower end manual tables by Project and such come with cartridges pre-installed, and non adjustable anti-skating setup for that cartridge. If/when you want to go to a different will probably need to adjust anti-skating, especially if the cartridge tracks at a different force or has a different stylus profile (say, a contact line vs. elliptical). That would then require you send the table back to have anti-skating changed at the factory, or always use the same cartridge. Which, if they stop making it, leaves you up the creek in a way, at any rate a more difficult setup than you'd like.
At least there are places/people who make new B&O cartridges and/or rebuild them, so you can stretch the life of a Beogram even though B&O don't make any tables or cartridges themselves anymore.
i love beograms. I have one at my parents home: a beogram 7000 with a MMC2 cartridge. It's a wonderful turntable.
If i would buy a new one in the 1k range, i'd go for a Pro-Ject or Rega.
The aforementioned Beogram 3000 is actually a Thorens 124 MkII with a B&O arm - usually 9" but can be 12" and fitted with an SP2 cartridge - I have the 12" version. Completely different to the other Beograms except for the arm - more extended bass and nothing like the same suspension. An audiophile deck and rare - in the UK B&O actually sold a different 3000 - based on an Acoustical motor unit - I had one of those as well - not as good but similar. Lee and I have ones which have been restored by Frede at Classic Audio who specialises in restoring classic B&O but also the Thorens 124.
However you will either have to use old B&O cartridges (mine is a bespoke one) or change arm. There is quite a bit to be said for the Rega tables - very simple and can use any 1/2" mount cartridge. I would not go for the later tangential models as the build will disappoint - a 4000 would be ridiculously cool though!
dueno: Rega planar 3 with pre amp
Rega planar 3 with pre amp
I agree. I bought my Rega about 10 years ago and have had no problems. I think it is a simple design that has an elegant but modern look. Buy the packaged deal that comes with the Rega P3, Elys 2 cartridge, and RB330 tonearm. You will need to buy the phono preamp separately. A good choice to start might be the Rega A2D which has a feature that allows an LP to be ripped for playback digitally. Its made in England also.
I have had a Beogram 7000 which was nice and looked great but the Rega sounds much better and can be upgraded if you wish to do so. The price in the UK is probably £550.00 for the turntable package and about £90.00 for the phono preamp. The Project turntable is very good also.
If you want a lower price point, you might look at the Rega P2 which is available on Amazon.
Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2 Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset
So Hiort, you just took Powerlink out from Beogram and plugged into cinch Line-in of the Moment? Or there needs to be a preamp in between?
AnalogPlanet:So Hiort, you just took Powerlink out from Beogram and plugged into cinch Line-in of the Moment? Or there needs to be a preamp in between?
Thanks for clarification. Hmm, I was thinking about the simplest way to play records via Moment - that means that I need to choose a turntable with preamp built-in (regardless whether it will be Beogram in the end or some modern turntable).
AnalogPlanet: Thanks for clarification. Hmm, I was thinking about the simplest way to play records via Moment - that means that I need to choose a turntable with preamp built-in (regardless whether it will be Beogram in the end or some modern turntable).
Its really not that difficult with a preamp in between.
It just sits there and I have concealed behind the sideboard where I have my Moment and my turntable.
I do not play vinyl that often, so I have a hidden powerswitch that switches on the light above the turntable as well as the preamp when I use it (as you can see in the picture in my earlier post). Works well
A sweet thing, since the Moment is integrated with my BV11, is that when Moment senses the signal from the Beogram, BV11 lights up and display "Beogram 2200" as source on the TV screen. Not necessary. Just cool
I have a BG4002 with a restored 20CL on it and it is very good, but they are old and prone to mechanical problems due to their complexity. I also have a Linn Sondek LP12 with an Audio Technica auto lift and Shure cartridge and that is superb. More work in setting up initially but excellent results. Looks wise and ease of use the BG4002 wins but sound quality the Linn to my ears and in my setup is better, with the autolift is a welcome mod. I use the Linn everyday as most of my listening is on vinyl.
If someone is interested , I have a BG7000 in mint condition which comes with a new refurbished MMC2 needle from FJS.
The table gets a complete overhaul before it leaves.
I use a White BG6500 in combination with my Moment. That works very well.
Beobuddy:If someone is interested , I have a BG7000 in mint condition which comes with a new refurbished MMC2 needle from FJS. The table gets a complete overhaul before it leaves. I use a White BG6500 in combination with my Moment. That works very well.
New: Beovision Harmony, Beolab 50's, Beolab 28's, Beolab 18's, Beolab 17's, Beosound Stage & LG, Beosound 2, Beoplay M3, Beoplay A1, Beoplay Portal, Beoplay H4 gen 2, Beoplay E8 3.0
Mikipedia on YouTube:
Mikipedi4 on Twitch:
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Old: Beosound 9000 mk3, Beolab 3's, Beovision Eclipse, Beolab 1's, Beolab 2, Beovision 10-46, Overture 2300, beolab 8000's, Beolab 4000's, Beovision avant 32" etc. etc.
Mikipidia: Where do you live and what’s the price? Was looking for one actually
Where do you live and what’s the price? Was looking for one actually
Just klick the name and you will see it....
....Utrecht, The Netherlands
Lucky you, then.
There is a tv - and there is a BV
I have a Beogram 8002 with a replacement MMC1 shibarta tip and boron cantilever........the Beogram works fantastic and the MMC1 sounds superb.
still the best for me😉
Millemissen:Just klick the name and you will see it.... .... Utrecht, The Netherlands Lucky you, then. MM There is a tv - and there is a BV.
Don’t you see Avarars rhere with the city...?
I even overlooked that 😏
Mikipidia: Millemissen: Just klick the name and you will see it.... .... Utrecht, The Netherlands Lucky you, then. MM There is a tv - and there is a BV. Nice, lucky me, iam on the app so i couldn’t
Millemissen: Just klick the name and you will see it.... .... Utrecht, The Netherlands Lucky you, then. MM There is a tv - and there is a BV.
.... Utrecht, The Netherlands
There is a tv - and there is a BV.
Nice, lucky me, iam on the app so i couldn’t
Indeed. The Netherlands. Send me a pm for further information.
dm sent btw, last Saturday i think :p