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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Connoiseurs Club

rated by 0 users
This post has 12 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 500 Contributor
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mauszwerg Posted: Sun, Mar 31 2019 6:58 PM
Are there any members left,who have originally joined the connoiseurs club ?

I know that one or two guys are left.

But how many are we?

Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Sun, Mar 31 2019 7:49 PM

A blast from the past!! I am pretty sure I was one - I just checked and I sent the message to stop paying into it!!


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mauszwerg replied on Sun, Mar 31 2019 8:04 PM
Knew you were thereSmile. Anyone else?
Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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Yes, me!

Regards Graham

Top 500 Contributor
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mauszwerg replied on Sun, Mar 31 2019 8:45 PM
Good evening Graham.

Hope we are not the only one‘sSmile

Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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I don't think there are many of us left. 

Regards Graham

Top 75 Contributor
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matador43 replied on Mon, Apr 1 2019 12:27 PM

Hi alls,

Maybe it's time to expand the circle and call for new members!

What's the Connoisseur Club?


Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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The origins of Beoworld ( note no capital W in the middle) are shrouded in mystery and go back to the 1990's. I've been around since near the beginning and I don't know the whole truth and I suspect that nobody does or is willing to admit that they do.

Homophobia, porn, deception, hotel in France, museum project, possibly money, all feature in the story. If I told you everything I think I know, I am afraid I may need to kill you!

Suffice to say, the Connoisseurs Club was a veiled attempt to extract money from people to ostensibly cover the costs of the Beoworld project and promised online access to a collection of user and service manuals. In truth I am not sure which costs were being covered by what.

Eventually, a knight in shining armour in the form of Lee Marriott turned up and bought the original Beoworld ( I assume money changed hands ) and used it to advertise his LifeStyle AV project, while building the website that it is today.

This may be an elaborate story (note todays date!) and no criticism is intended of anyone living or dead.

Regards Graham

Top 150 Contributor
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The origins of Beoworld ( note no capital W in the middle) are shrouded in mystery and go back to the 1990's. I've been around since near the beginning and I don't know the whole truth and I suspect that nobody does or is willing to admit that they do.

Homophobia, porn, deception, hotel in France, museum project, possibly money all feature in the story. If I told you everything I think I know, I am afraid I may need to kill you!

Suffice to say, the Connoisseurs Club was a veiled attempt to extract money from people to ostensibly cover the costs of the Beoworld project and promised online access to a collection of user and service manuals. In truth I am not sure which costs were being covered by what.

Eventually, a knight in shining armour in the form of Lee Marriott turned up and bought the original Beoworld ( I assume money changed hands ) and used it to advertise his LifeStyle AV project, while building the website that it is today.

This may be an elaborate story (note todays date!) and no criticism is intended of anyone living or dead.

All the ingredients for a "Based on a true story" Netflix movie Wink And joeyboygolf just provided the digest version.




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Puncher replied on Mon, Apr 1 2019 2:49 PM

Some of us are that old and decrepit that i can't remember if I was a member or not!Big Smile

Ban boring signatures!

Top 150 Contributor
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hemenex replied on Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:15 PM

Yes i was there the last year it was active.

Still remembering as the guy wasn't able to give me an IBAN and BIC so my money went into nirvana :-(

Top 50 Contributor
Marlow, Bucks, UK
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Stonk replied on Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:48 PM


Some of us are that old and decrepit that i can't remember if I was a member or not!Big Smile

I was thinking the exact same thing.

If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

Top 150 Contributor
Posts 742
I thought you were talking about the official B&O UK Connoisseurs Club, which as I recall was the zero interest financing offer. I had a physical plastic card for it when I bought one of my early pieces - perhaps a new BC9500.
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