ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have an issue with a beolab penta mk3, here is the back story. (Sorry for the long rambling post)These arrived to me with the amplifier base broken (the logo plastic piece shattered), this tore the connections out of the multi-pin connector to the main tower, amazingly the metalwork and the frets all remained relativity undamaged, its as if the plastic piece sacrificed itself for the rest of the speaker, I found it amazing from an engineering point of view how little holds up that tower! I have repaired that connector, got new plastic logo pieces and this tower works perfectly (no buzz) SO thankfully my soldering is good.
Curiously the other speaker has a fault where there is a small buzz everytime something changes on the display. (something to do with the datalink). Running mk2 fully wired cables and I have swapped the cables with the working speaker and the cable isn't the issue. The buzz doesn't increase with volume, but then again it wouldn't because the Penta amplifier has no volume control... it is essentially always turned up to max.
My guess is there might have been strain on the cable going to the amplifier unit and I might have swapped the amps between the intact speaker and the totally broken one when I was reconstructing them. (meaning that the amp off the broken speaker is now on the one that was originally under no strain) as even the intact speakers plastic section was cracked so was replaced.
My first point of call will be to try swapping the amp bases around and see if the problem is in the other tower or if it is in the amplifier and also inspect the connections on the board and in the connector in the suspect amplifier.
SO in a long round-about way... Has anyone had a small buzz on their Penta when changing volume, EQ, Radio to CD anything that sends a data link impulse and how did you repair the problem?
Most likely a filtering problem in the power supply to the tonecontrols/preamplifier etc. and most likely coming from your Beomaster.
I don't think the beomaster/center is at fault as one speaker works perfectly well in both outputs on the 8500, so hopefully eliminated that as a problem.
It is almost as if the connector going into the amp is making contact with one of the channels or the ground. I'll strip it down tonight and see if there is a strained connector/connection. As thats where the damage occured. So I guess it would make some sense for that to have the problem. at least hopefully.