ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi folks. My name is Scott and while being new to the forum I'm not new to B&O products. However, I have a setup dilemma and while I have a couple of solutions, I'd appreciate a bit of perspective from the more learned...
My equipment currently consists of Samsung 9 series TV, Onkyo TX-NR3009, BL5, BL2, BL7.4, BL8000, BS4
So, my set up until recently has consisted of Onkyo as the A/V hub, BL8000s as fronts, BL2 as sub and the 7.4 as centre. This worked fine but it was always my intention to replicate the 7.1 setup I had in my previous house. To that end I recently bought a pair of BL5's that I've been promising myself for years and have them as front mains, BL8000's as rears and 7.4 as centre. I've ditched the BL2 as the 5's are bassy enough. All good so far......
However, the BL5's don't pop as well as they should and I get that I'm doing them no favours by using a non-B&O sound source and line-in. Buying a B&O TV is not an option as I love my 9 series Samsung so I was thinking of picking up a Beosystem 3 and either running that as my main A/V processor in place of Onkyo which would give me the benefit of using Powerlink to connect all speakers, making them all work to their fullest capacity.
Keeping Onkyo and running RCA's from that to BS4 (as front main), then powerlinking the BL5's to that. Now I'm not 100% sure that would work but the benefit is that it would utilise all my current equipment and still get the BL5's powerlinked.
Any thoughts on that or, indeed, any other options that I might not have considered would be very gratefully received.
So, basically what you are saying is that BL5 are not behaving as you expected when connected to a Onkyo receiver. Let me are lacking some bass?
Your receiver has Audissey XT32 built-in. Have you fully configured it to your new setup?
I'm asking you this because moving from line-in to powerlink will not produce night and day difference in the sound quality...
And one last commentary: you mentioned a 7.1 setup, but described speakers for a 5.0 config (fronts, rears and a center speaker). Which one is correct?
Current setup is 5.0 but, as I said, i would like to get back to a 7.1, or indeed 7.0 as I feel my BL5's can output better bass than BL2.
Hmm...heard an opposing point of view on that hence my original question...