ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
So I bought a Beogram 1700. It works fine, but when the arm i raised or lowered it makes a LARGE noise through the speakers.
Anybody know if this can be fixed easily?
Clean the muting switch.Or - just use it and the oxidation on the switch contacts will most likely wear away.
Hvor sidder den muting swith henne?
Blaze: Hvor sidder den muting swith henne?
(where is the muting switch ?)
The muting switch sits inside the Beogram as practically the only thing related to the very thin wires comingfrom the tonearm.It 's not particularly easy to access or take it apart but if the Beogram stood unused for a long time and youjust started using it, I suggest you simply use it some more and the problem will go away eventually as theswitch is operated by the mechanics.
Ok thanks I'll try that, and see if gets better. It's pretty loud and annoying, so I hope i doesn't take too long
Give it 50-100 plays/stops and let's see.