ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
hi i have just got a hold of a Beogram CD 5500, and in my opinion, it is one of the best CD players, but there is a big issue it was never intended to be stand alone CD-player, and very dependent on on the Beomaster
i would like to be able to control it via remote, but how can I do this without using the Beomaster ?
one solution could be to use MCL 2a but don’t know if that would work without the Beomaster ?
Pumbaadk: hi i have just got a hold of a Beogram CD 5500, and in my opinion, it is one of the best CD players, but there is a big issue it was never intended to be stand alone CD-player, and very dependent on on the Beomaster i would like to be able to control it via remote, but how can I do this without using the Beomaster ? one solution could be to use MCL 2a but don’t know if that would work without the Beomaster ? Br
There is no way to control it without Beomaster. MCL also needs beomaster to work. But... there might be a way, but that includes an Arduino and IR eye, and then sending the commands from the Arduino. I have thought of this, but never got around to testing it yet :)
And you would still need an amplifier and speakers.
The CD5500,in common with other datalinked machines was designed to work in concert with a compatible Beomaster,the Beomaster being the "hub" of the system.
Even with MCL devices connected,the data is processed by the Beomaster before sending to the cd player etc.This enables seamless control and also two way communication for functional display via eg MCP5500.etc.
Why not treat yourself to a compatible Beomaster such as 5500/65/7000 and a Master Control Panel?
You'll be impressed!