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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B & O new member

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brymoody Posted: Wed, Nov 7 2012 2:05 AM

Hi i have just joined this group simply because i was looking on ebay for a sound bar for my new tv (which sounds like crap)  and i clicked onto a BEOLAB 3500.  Not knowing anything about these things but the way everyone seems to think B&O is the best does this speaker hook up to a tv just like any other sound bar like a bose or philips  looking through this site it may sound like i would have to buy more equipment like beolinks or biosounds whatever they are. I simply want good speakers for my tv.  Can anyone please take a minute and explain a little bit to me thanks.

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Peter replied on Wed, Nov 7 2012 7:21 AM

This is not a sound bar but is a stand alone stereo speaker. The problem you will have is attaching this to a TV as it uses B&O connectors and is not really designed for the use you plan. The sound is good but something like the Beolab 7 is a speaker which is designed as a TV centre channel/ stereo speaker. It does still use B&O connections though. I would suggest having a chat to a dealer who can advise what you can easily do - he will offer advice without any high pressure sales techniques!!


Chris Townsend
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Whatever you do don't buy the Bose sound bar. I have some Bose bits and bobs but it is a truly awful sound, covered in copious amounts of bass.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Take a look at this thread for some inspiration Smile

BeoNut since '75

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Bob replied on Wed, Nov 7 2012 9:05 AM

Welcome to the forum,

I cannot see what TV you've bought, as most of them sounds like c... at it's own, unless of course you have something like Avant ;)

I'd disagree with bose and Philips as in my opinion they don't produce better sound, but at same time I wouldn't go as far to say B&O does the best speakers (perhaps the affordable ones, with little bit more value for money paid, but by long way not the best money can buy).

you can do sensible thing and don't spend so much on something with little significance and buy good quality surround sound system or plug your TV to Hi-Fi you normally use, and use one from number of standard connectors to connect it....

In order to allow anyone to help you - you will need to be very specific about your set up and what you want achieve. Whistle

All the best



Hi i have just joined this group simply because i was looking on ebay for a sound bar for my new tv (which sounds like crap)  and i clicked onto a BEOLAB 3500.  Not knowing anything about these things but the way everyone seems to think B&O is the best does this speaker hook up to a tv just like any other sound bar like a bose or philips  looking through this site it may sound like i would have to buy more equipment like beolinks or biosounds whatever they are. I simply want good speakers for my tv.  Can anyone please take a minute and explain a little bit to me thanks.


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