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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoRemote One, IR-Light in BT mode

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Top 500 Contributor
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Bronze Member
BeoLignage Posted: Sat, Mar 21 2020 10:56 PM


I just set up a Beosound Stage with a C9 at my parents house. 
It works just fine with the BeoRemote One over BT to control the TV, and I can get the light commands over IR to work if I switch to "Beo4 audio" mode.
I managed to store "light" to one of the MyButtons but only in IR mode, and it takes some multiple button presses to switch between IR and BT mode.
Is there any way to store a IR-light command on a MyButton in BT mode. Or a way to quickly switch between IR and BT mode, (or if you like, between "Stage" and "Beo4 audio" mode)?
To clarify this is for controlling a LC2 directly over IR, no MLGW or other equipment involved.
Any suggestions appreciate. 
Thanks in advance 
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