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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beolink Gateway With 2 Beolab 3500

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Soren Posted: Sun, May 24 2020 9:15 PM

I have just added an ekstra BL3500 to my setup , they both run the same sw.. version 3.1 the problem is that they both have the same address when I try to add them in my BLGW Causing a conflict, if only one is plugged in it work perfect like my other ML products.

I know they need to be sw 3.3 to be fully compatible, what would it take to change from 3.1 to 3.3 and would that give on of them a new address, I know a version 2.1 have a different address 


Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Mon, May 25 2020 1:48 PM

Strange - I don`t think the sw versions is the problem...(?)

Did you assign your second BL3500 to the BLGW to get a new node? (Standby system - starting a source in the mainroom via second BL3500?)

I have multiple BL active working properly in my setup, together with an old BL2000 and even a BV6-22 works (though no LIGHT/CONTROL passthrough on the BL2000 and BV6.


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Carolpa replied on Mon, May 25 2020 3:46 PM

the problem is that they both have the same address
Did you try to manually change the address to an unused one in your setup?

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Soren replied on Tue, May 26 2020 8:43 AM

I also have a BV7 BV6 and a BL2000, they all work flawlessly. I have tried to reset the BLGW to factory setting and then made a new”capture” the number both BL3500 come up with is identical and therefore when one is added the next one is not recognized.

The old one Is placed in the bathroom and the new one in the kids room, if I turn the power in the house off and on again, and then try to operate the one in the bathroom afterwards, then it would operate the right one 50% of the time and the new one 50% of the time, it’s like the first one seen on the network is the one that gets the address.

Is it possible to give it a new number?? I thought it was a number stored in the speaker that is only read by the gateway....on a NL products it is the serial number, but on ML it just looks like a random number??

I spoke to a guy on a danish forum that also had a sw3.1 and that one has the same number as mine, he also had and other one with sw1.2 and that has an other number and therefore he doesn’t have the problem.

The number both come up with is 4294967295

Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
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stefan replied on Tue, May 26 2020 1:39 PM

Did you try to give one BL3500 a new unused MLN?

BLGW Help:  MLN: a unique integer in the range 1 to 240, by which BeoLink App and external controllers can identify B&O products on BeoLink Gateway.

It`s not possible to change the adress - greyed out. I had a look into my BLGW - my BL actives has different adresses.


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