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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Odd Question! and one that has probably been proffered many times before....Sorry

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Aquae Sulis - Bath
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Bronze Member
Pioneercollector Posted: Sun, Nov 26 2017 1:53 PM

Hi everyone,


I am the proud owner of a complete 5000 series stack (with two 5500 cassette decks....and a Beocord 9000 unit), I am currently running this with some KEF RDM 3 speakers, which are highly regarded...But! I am wondering if the system would benefit from some B&O speakers? If so which ones would be the best fit for this 5000 series unit?

Thank you for reading




Steve at Sounds Heavenly
Top 50 Contributor
The cable workshop, Leics, UK
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Hi Pioneercollector,

Welcome to Beoworld!  Those Kef speakers are very good and when working well they should sound superb.  The good news is that you can use ANY B&O speakers with your Beomaster 5000, either the passive (unpowered) Beovox speakers from the 1980's and earlier, or the later Beolab active (powered) speakers via the pre-out sockets on the Beomaster.

Speaker choice is a very individual one, as each model of speakers tends to have its own unique "voice" which appeals to some people and not to others.  Also, some speakers work better in larger rooms, while some sound best at lower volumes, or with certain styles of music, etc, etc, etc.

My own personal approach is to buy a pair of speakers via a well-known online auction site (especially if they look nice, are well priced and the seller is local), then I try them out at home to see if I like them.  If I don't like them, I sell them on again, you can normally get about the amount that you paid for them, so you have (almost) nothing to lose......

I have a similar vintage of B&O system at home (Beomaster 3500), I finally settled on a pair of Royd Minstrels as my favourite speakers (much to my wife's relief!) after many different speakers were tried and rejected.  I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the process of buying, auditioning and testing so many different speakers! Whistle

If you need any help connecting up your chosen speakers, please feel free to get in touch via my sponsor link at the foot of this page and I will be happy to help.

Kind regards, Steve.


Founder of Sounds Heavenly Cables and Brand Ambassador for Bang & Olufsen

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Not Ranked
Aquae Sulis - Bath
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Bronze Member

Hi Steve,


Thank you for your reply, and i have to admit that the KEF RDM3 speakers are very good, i was only asking as i have never ever heard a vintage (ish) B&O system with B&O speakers, and wondered if i was missing something!

I use Mission Argonauts MK2 speakers with my 1979 Pioneer set up, they are better than the KEF's with this system, but the B&O sounds great.... but it also sounded really nice with some Sony APM 22ES units.

I am going to take your advice and check out that certain auction site, and see if there is anything local for me to try! Good solid advice, Thank you.

I may even find some B&O ones Thumbs Up

My ears are probably the best judge after all.

I am enjoying the B&O stack much more than i thought i would, it is really well crafted and sounds really nice (And has wife approval as it is now in the Bedroom!!)

Thanks again Steve







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This thread should be perfect for you:

Not Ranked
Aquae Sulis - Bath
Posts 3
Bronze Member

Hi Everyone,


Well i have been really enjoying my B&O ride now for a few years, And i have moved the KEF RDM speakers into another room to couple with a vintage system ( Sansui 9092, Marantz 5420, Pioneer PL62 and an Hitachi DA1000 CD unit... ) I shan't blather on about this set up...

So i moved a set of B&W CDM 1NT speakers into the B&O rig... and they sound great... i am still wondering if something B&O ( M150's ) would make the system sound any better?

The KEF RDM's sound better with the vintage system, they sounded flat on my Pioneer 1978 stack in my main room, I have now moved in  some Mission Argonaut 780 MK2's...they sound spot on... I should mention that the room the B&O system resides in is an old building with beams, low ceilings and quite large ( ish for a 17th C cottage)

The B&O system is upstairs, and there are also beams, fire place etc and the room has low ceiling but 15' x 18' ...and a big bed!

I should pint out that this is only a two bed-roomed cottage... not Longleat House! but i am trying to give some perspective on the issues with speaker placement and the sound ...

So... would B&O speakers work better than any of the above mentioned? Or should i just be happy with the B&W 1NT's and have my hearing checked!! Big Smile

Sorry for the ramble...








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