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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 2300 glass door not closing when power link and datalink cable is inserted

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Doubleola Posted: Thu, Jul 23 2020 5:57 AM

Hoping one of the geniuses on this forum can help with this strange problem. 

I am trying to connect a beogram 6500 to a beosound 2300 (CD only) with a pair of beolab 3 speakers and having a malfunction problem.

Below are steps to reproduce issue:

  1. Connected datalink cable from Beogram 6500 to Beosound 2300 Aux socket
  2. Connected powerlink from Beolab 3 to powerlink sockets on Beosound 2300
  3. Power on and load and play CD. Door tries to close and keeps going back to open position and refuses to close. CD plays perfectly no issues. 
  4. Switch to phono and beogram also plays perfectly but door tries to close again but keeps going back to open position

Next I turn to standby and remove both powerlink speaker and datalink cables then unplug and 

plug beosound 2300 back into mains, play CD, door opens and closes consistently without fail everytime.

I repeated the same sequence with just either datalink alone plugged in or also with just powerlink alone attached and same problem returns without fail. Its almost like the beosound is getting a signal that prevents proper operation of door when sockets have input.




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Guy replied on Thu, Jul 23 2020 9:19 AM

I too use a BG6500 with a BC2300 but have not experienced those problems.

Have you looked at this thread:

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Doubleola replied on Thu, Jul 23 2020 3:37 PM

Thanks thanks for reply. What speakers do you have connected to yours?

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Guy replied on Thu, Jul 23 2020 4:05 PM

I'm actually just using the Powerlink output to feed in to the line input of a A2 Active at the moment.  It's a temporary setup since I won the BG6500 in the Beoworld Prize Draw!

I have used my BC2300 with my Beolab 4000s in the past, and this worked with no door problems. 

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Doubleola replied on Fri, Jul 24 2020 1:27 AM

@Guy Thanks for that. I think I narrowed it down. I tried a different pair of speakers via powerlink din to minijack with beogram 6500 connected and everything works well every time. There must be an issue with cable combination with beolab 3 creating the signal preventing door malfunction.

I was able to reproduce repeatedly and the problem existed with beolab 3 connected to beosound 2300 and with other speaker from powerlink to minjack of beoplay S3 speaker all is good everytime

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Guy replied on Fri, Jul 24 2020 9:10 AM

Yes it does sound like a compatibility problem with BeoLab 3.  As suggested in that other thread, it could well be worth trying Mk3 powerlink cables (assuming that you are currently using Mk2 cables).  

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