ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Anyone parting out the above models?
I need replacement motors for both.
(I'm in Australia)
But why do you need motors? Isn't it merely a matter of lubrication or did they run with wrong belts?
Hi Martin,
Sorry I didn't reply to your post way back when.
I should have thanked you for the link-very helpful to say the least.
I have only now put in an offer on the Beogram motor.The 3400 deck came back from a service with the advice :" Motor is slow at first but then speeds up after a few minutes.Motor is obsolete and this cannot be improved."
As for the 2402,it randomly starts @ 45rpm,but if I press the 33 button,it reverts to correct speed.I'm not very technical,but am unsure whether it's a lubrication or belt issue .?
Any further advice would be much appreciated,