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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision 10-40/10-46

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HHvitman Posted: Fri, Apr 23 2021 2:46 PM

Hello all!

Tried to search but couldn´t find what I´m looking for.. Today I have a BV 8-32 and a old BV5-42. Very happy with both of them in relation to how I use them! :)

Thinking of buying a used BV10-40 or maybe 10-46. Are there any differences in sound quality between these two?

Image quality will be better compared to my old TV´s of course but what about sound quality/performance?Has any one experience the difference between these models BV8, BV5 and BV10? I will not use extra speakers.. 

I know there are different MK1 verisons of the BV10, mainly different amount of HDMI as I read..?! (I will only use ATV4K thou.)

Any thing special to look up when buying a used BV10? Should I avoid any Mk-version or Serial no regarding quality?

Is it possible by the menu system to see how many hours running time the TV has? 

Any input would be appreciated! 


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Hiort replied on Sun, Apr 25 2021 9:10 AM
If you can increase the budget I would recommend to look for a Beovision 11 instead.

BV10 are really old now so it is a risk with buying such old tech especially when it comes to the panel.

Anyway, the bigger BV10 give a fuller sound since it has a bigger volume for the speakers. I replaced my BV8-32 with a BV10-40 and was very happy.

Since 7 years I now have a BV11-46 and never regretted that.






Livingroom: BL3, BL11, BV11-46 Kitchen: Beosound 1 GVA, Beocom 2 Bathroom: M3 Homeoffice: M3, Beocom 2  Library: Beosound Emerge, Beocom 6000 Bedroom: M5, Essence remote  Travel: Beoplay E8 2.0, Beoplay EQ, Beoplay Earset

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HHvitman replied on Wed, Apr 28 2021 2:22 PM



Thanks for your input! I will consider BV11, close to where I live there´s mainly BV10 for sale thou. The BV10/11 will not be our main TV either, therefore I considered BV10 but I have read about bad panels on the BV10 unfortunately.. But thanks anyway! :)

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