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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BEOCOM Telephone 6000

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Does Posted: Mon, May 10 2021 11:51 AM

Help with BEOCOM 6000

After many attempts and following some advises out of the group of users at this platform and other platforms i managed to get my new (second hand base station) and 4 telephones working again, where I mislead the station by taken out the accu's and then restart the telephones. (the new base station was second hand and had a unknown pincode). Only now when having a telephone conversation after 20 seconds there are 3 of 4 beeps, that doesnot influences the further conversation, but is nasty to hear as if somebody is also connecting and listening to the conversation. Can someone tell me what it is and how I can manage to get it out of the system.

thank you in advance

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