ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Please, I need your help!!!! U R G E N T
I have a BEO4 (mk 3) which I use with Beosound1. Recently I got a used Beosound 3000 and connect it to a pair of Beolab 4000 . So i decided to use my Beo 4 with the Beosound 3000. Unfortunately, the BEO4 looks that it doesnt communicate with Beosound 3000. The red light on besosound 3000 is on , I tried the instructions from the manual of Beosound 3000 (ie LIST button & STAND BY together , then option , A.OPT and type 1) but nothing happens. I tried to check the sound manually but the system doesnt respond. The CD plays ok as well as the radio.I press the SOUND button and the display shows TVUSE. I dont have a TV connect to the system. Maybe I press various buttons accidentally!! How can I change the TVUSE, because the manual says that from there you adjust the volume and other parameters.
Finnaly, when I tried to use the BEO4 with the beosound 1, I reallised that it doesn't communicate as well!!!
I need help........
If your Beo4 is no longer working with your Beosound 1 then the remote is faulty. Have you changed the batteries lately????
When you changed the option on the Beosound 3000 the red standby light on the 3000 should have blinked to acknowledge the command. If it didn't blink then you either did it wrongly or the remote is not working.
You could try looking at the emitter of the remote with your mobile phone camera as you press the buttons. You should be able to see the IR emissions in your viewfinder.
Regards Graham
Graham ,
Thanks for your quick response.
The batteries are ok!. I checked the remote as you advice me and sents a blue light ie it is ok.
Do you have any idea how to check the IR of the beosound 3000.
Unforunately, so far no sucess to operate the system