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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Creating a setup

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RolfonBeoworld Posted: Sat, Jul 17 2021 4:08 PM


(Dutch down below)

At home I have the following devices from B & O.

-        BEOMASTER 4500

-        BEOGRAM CD 4500

-        BEOCORD 4500

-        Beovision 10-40

-        Beo 4

These devices are currently connected as shown in the diagram “current system” by a person who knows B & O well. This setup works well from the Beovision’s perspective. What I mean by that is, when I select on the Beo 4 that I want sound over 3 speakers. Then this also applies to the 2 BeoLab speakers. If I select a task from the Beomaster on the other hand, then nothing happens, the MUTE button seems to be there for decoration, for example. If I press MUTE on the remote, it works. But the sound is muted by the Beovision.

(Sound control does not go via the Beomaster, input does)

My goal is to adjust the setup so that everything should work as originally intended. I made a plan for this. This is also in the diagram called “new system”. In this setup I thought that everything should work correctly via the Beomaster. I haven't adjusted this yet, this is a huge hassle (cables through the ceiling etc.) and I hope to get opinions and experiences from others first.

I would like to keep the option to watch movies over the 3 speakers, for example. I thought that according to the “new system” this should go through the AUX button on the Beomaster.

Incidentally, it also seemed like a nice idea to purchase a second-hand Beolink 1000 to make good use of all the functions of the Beosystem.

I would like advice on my setup. What do you think? Would you do something else? Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!




(English above)

Beste Lezer,

Thuis heb ik de volgende apparaten van B & O staan.

-        BEOMASTER 4500

-        BEOGRAM CD 4500

-        BEOCORD 4500

-        Beovision 10-40

-        Beo 4

Deze zijn aan elkaar verbonden door een B & O kenner zoals afgebeeld in het bijgevoegde diagram “current system”. Dit werkt goed, vanuit het perspectief van de Beovision gezien. Wat ik daarmee bedoel, als ik op de afstandsbediening selecteer dat ik geluid over 3 speakers wil. Dan gaat dit direct ook over de 2 Beolab luidsprekers. Als ik een taak vanaf de Beomaster selecteer daarentegen. Dan gebeurd dit niet, de MUTE knop lijkt er bijvoorbeeld voor de sier op te zitten. Als ik op de afstandsbediening op MUTE druk, dan werkt dit wel. Maar wordt het geluid door de Beovision gedempt.

(Geluidscontrole gaat niet via de Beomaster, invoer wel)

Mijn doel is om de setup aan te passen zodat alles zoals origineel bedoeld zou moeten werken. Hiervoor heb ik een plan gemaakt. Deze staat ook in het diagram in de bijlage “new system”. Op deze manier bedacht ik dat alles juist zou moeten werken via de master. Dit heb ik nog niet aangepast, dit is een enorm gedoe (kabels door het plafond enz.) en ik hoop eerst meningen en ervaringen van anderen te ontvangen.

De optie om met 3 speakers bijvoorbeeld films te kijken wil ik graag behouden. Ik had bedacht dat dit volgens het “new systeem” zou moeten gaan via de AUX knop op de master.

Overigens leek het mij ook een leuk idee een 2e hands Beolink 1000 aan te schaffen om alle functies het Beosystem goed te benutten.

Graag zou ik advies willen over mijn setup. Wat denkt u er van? Zou u iets anders doen? Heeft u suggesties?

Alvast bedankt!



Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Hi Rolf,

the guy who set up the system in the first place has done it right (assuming that both Beosystem 4500 and the BV10 are in the same room).

It is a classical setup to get most of your speakers…..2 channel/stereo for the audio sources and speaker 3 (with the BV10 a the center speaker), when watching tv/movies. And that at the most easy way, when controlling.

For this your Beosystem has to be in A-option 0 and the BV10 in V-option 2 (please ask, if that does not make sense). There might be a problem there as of now!

Your ‘new system’ won’t give you any benefits - you would have to use more presses on the remote and the builtin speakers of the BV10 would not work as a real center channel, even if you use the tv and the BL8002’s together.

Please note - as of now you won’t be able to start playback of the Beosystem 4500 sources manually (this can however be fixed).

Please check the options of the devices, before you make any further changes.

The Beo4 is optimal for that setup.

The setup is similar to this setup:


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Carolpa replied on Sun, Jul 18 2021 11:06 AM

the guy who set up the system in the first place has done it right (assuming that both Beosystem 4500 and the BV10 are in the same room).
If the Beosystem 4500 is set to option 0 (no speakers connected) then a PL cable should be fitted between this sytem and the T1611 !

So this is missing in the actual setting and wrong in the proposed system.


Your ‘new system’ won’t give you any benefits - you would have to use more presses on the remote and the builtin speakers of the BV10 would not work as a real center channel, even if you use the tv and the BL8002’s together.

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Sorry, Carolpa….I have never had a PL cable mounted in my own similar setup here at home.

That has never been an issue!

As long as you don’t want to manually start the source (e.g. the CD player) from the audiosystem, there is no need for the PL cable.

All you need is to push e.g. the CD button/Beo4 and the BV will send the command on to the Beomaster to start the source for playback on the BV.


P.S. I initially did leave out the PL cable because I wanted to be able to listen through headphones via the BM, which was placed right next to my best chair :-) 

All I then had to do was to start the source there and control the volume on the BM….without having to involve the BV/the speakers there.

Since I had no problems whatsoever, the setup stayed so as long as I had it.



There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Hi Millemissen,

Thank you fro your quick response and reviewing my diagram. As for the A & V Option settings. I have done that before, but I don't remember how I did it. I will have to read through the manuals to find it out. 

I will let you know if everything works. 


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Hi Carolpa,

Thank you for reviewing my diagram. I will add a Powerlink cable between the converter and the Beosystem. I will not change the current setup.


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I have good news. Everything works perfectly, I placed a powelink cable and I have changed the A & V options. 

Thank you both for your help.

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Bronze Member

I have good news. Everything works perfectly, I placed a powelink cable and I have changed the A & V options. 

Thank you both for your help.

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