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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


How rare is a beogram 4000

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Top 500 Contributor
Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu Posted: Sun, Dec 16 2012 12:32 PM

How rare is a beogram 4000? In my case, this is the piece that started my passion about B&O. Since then I managed to collect a complete Beolab 8000 system two other turntables, a cdx, a beomater 2400... But no 4000. In fact, I never saw one on sale anywhere. Lots of 4002 and 4004 though. Then I realized that It was probably never sold in North America. Am I right? But how rare is it in Europe?


Top 25 Contributor
Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Sun, Dec 16 2012 1:11 PM


They are fairly common here!

I got mine from a local ad, and there is one on the German eBay right now.

They turn up from time to time. Mine was 80€, but there was some work on it. It looks beautiful though!

They can fetch 500-700€ when mint and professionally refurbished, with a good stylus.


Top 75 Contributor
Manchester, UK
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Step1 replied on Sun, Dec 16 2012 1:40 PM

They are like many things on ebay, you see non for a while then the all come like buses lol

Not rare, but more so with all original packaging etc...

Still very desirable :-)


Søren Hammer
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They are fairly common here!

They aren't that common here in Denmark - there were only three for sale in the whole country last year (I bought two of them....)

I drove almost 150 miles to get my first 4000 - which didn't work. My second 4000 was for sale just 1,5 km from my home, the third 30 km away and the fourth 15 km away. Don't worry, I sold my first because my tech couldn't get it to work (to a guy from Hamburg) and the third is now in the possession of my Father.


They fetch everything from €100 to €500 here in original working condition (never paid more than €130 with a good cartridge Wink )

Vinyl records, cassettes, open reel, valve amplifiers and film photography.

Top 500 Contributor
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expoman replied on Sun, Dec 16 2012 5:36 PM

You will not find any Beogram 4000's  in North American except those imported  from europe.  That model had a very short life in Europe and was quickly changed to the 4002.  The main change was the control keypad which was to delicate and broke easily.   The Beocord 5000 and the Beomaster 6000 4 channel used this new style keypad.  The 4002 was the first model sold in the US and Canada.  It sold like crazy and there was always a back order to dealers.

So in North America the Beogram 4000 is very rare.

Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Sun, Dec 16 2012 10:21 PM

Graham has one for sale at present on eBay - looks a nice one and comes with what I assume is a 20EN from Axel. Not cheap but will be a good one. You have to be careful of these decks - very complex and not easy to fix. The 4002 in DC motor form is much simpler. However the 4000 is the best in every way!


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