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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O regrets

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Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 Posted: Fri, Dec 14 2012 7:42 AM

Has there been any B&O kit you regret not getting ?

It did not suit me at the time to get a white bs9000 - but wish I had !

If the fs was not with me on our visit to Classic Audio .....

Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 8:32 AM

Wish I had bought Beolab 5s when I was offered a cheap pair. Otherwise more regret at changing things. My Beosystem 7000 gave better sound through the house than my Beocenter 2 though I do get DAB now. I sometimes miss my 8000 system (hard not to!) though really for the looks as I used it very little.


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Selling my 8 month old beosound 8 with orange frets on ebay,no reserve £349 :-(
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2012martin replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 10:21 AM

I believe In not having regrets I call them experiences. I have to agree with Peter the sound off my beocentre 2 is not a patch onmy beosound d 9000 however when I asked my local b and odealer he looked at me like that can't be possible.

Just wish I had and unlimited bank account.

Søren Hammer
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I shouldn't have sold....

My second Beomaster 8000

My first Beomaster 6000 4 Channel

I should have bought...

A Beogram 6000 4 Channel for sale locally...

Vinyl records, cassettes, open reel, valve amplifiers and film photography.

Anders Jørgensen
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That is a great question for a thread!

So do we?

Actually no. I have always gone for whatever B&O I wanted and put the main focus on. I've sold stuff for fair enough reasons and some of that I can get back if I wanted too. I do not regret it being sold but my mind look at the use of it differently in some cases.

I got Beolab 8000 and 6000 for the AV9000 and while that was cool I did not see that the value of the Beolabs. It is more a sensible way to upgrade the Beovision rather than anything else in that case. So yes I do put 8000 and 6000 on the get list at some point.

Again if it is hard to find that would have an impact too. Being in Denmark most of the B&O is still around with little effort needed to find and get.

I do know what I want when it comes to B&O stuff and that is all I ever need to know so no regrets to report. Maybe I should have gone into full B&O adict earlier but that is about it.Smile

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Jeff replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 3:38 PM

Interesting question, I don't really regret any of my purchases, except for maybe my 1400 phones, both of which failed in the same way. Great sounding phones, terrible reliability.

My AV7000, not the best piece of kit, but it solved a problem at the time and is being repurposed into a link room setup as I wire the new house.

I guess my main regret is not having the maturity and sense to get into B&O earlier. I started out working in a high end store in college, and bought too much into the high end mystique and BS and looked down on systems like B&O. Later, I got into controlled listening tests as I did more serious audio work and learned that just about everything I bought into in the high end days was BS and a figment of a deranged imagination. That freed me to go B&O and not worry about whether it was high end or not, and the sound is wonderful. So, I'd wish I had gotten into it earlier and had decades more time to enjoy the simplicity, user friendliness, and aesthetics of the gear rather than living with some of the hideous looking higher end kit I've had.

As they say, coulda woulda shoulda...


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 4:52 PM

Selling my 8 month old beosound 8 with orange frets on ebay,no reserve £349 :-(

Ouch !

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SWISS_2 replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 8:48 PM

None at all.

Our older items remain clean, functioning and stored away in closets. I replaced my parents' Beomaster 2400 the other day, with a fully functioning Beomaster 3000 we had stored away, and they are very pleased. They have a computer with the Beoplayer program I installed for them, but refuse to join the digital or streaming music age beyond that.

Our Beocom 1400: That sat in our study for a number of years. It was noticed a few times, admired constantly, and then well received as a surprise gift to a neighbour ten years or so ago. She still uses it, and comes by for coffee now and then. Our other B&O items never fail to impress visitors !

Top 500 Contributor
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danezro replied on Fri, Dec 14 2012 11:14 PM

I regret not having the money to hand to buy my father his beocenter 9300 back for him when it got stolen and turned up in a cash converters store round the corner for £70.  By the time I went to get the cash it had gone, I think they tweaked by my reaction!!

Aussie Michael
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I think the Asus Nx-90 was a fantastic product and I regret not having it as a desktop replacement. But like most windows computer it probably has fan issues :-(

And Danezro, sorry to hear of your situation.  I hate people that steal! 

Top 200 Contributor
Thailand 5560 miles from Struer
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hi all, my big regret is not looking at B and O on ebay sooner and realizing how affordable older units were, oh. and of course discovering beoworld

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, United Kingdom
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I sometimes miss my 8000 system (hard not to!) though really for the looks as I used it very little.



I can understand that. I am only grateful you sold it to me! I have grown to appreciate it more and more and now think it is the best Beosystem of them all. It is a stunning piece of design - aesthetically and technically.

Regrets? Selling a Beogram 4000 back in the early 80's and not buying a white, virtually mint Beosystem 1001 about a year ago.

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