ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hey guys!!! Does anyone know if they are coming up with a new upgraded BV7 anytime soon since the new technology now is network link? Just the way they've upgraded the BV10 into BV11?
They might replace the model with a difference alternative later this year...
What about the beosound 5?
Razlaw asked this question the other day.
It's certainly a dilemma. If you consider the new chassis of the BV11, this has fewer professional features most BV7 users expect - the ability to handle a projector, masterlink and other functions. If I was a current BV7 owner, losing these features, wouldn't be regarded as an 'upgrade' for me, if I was just getting an updated panel. And, being fair, the panel in the BV7-55 MKII is better than the BV11 as it has more uniform backlighting.
Ok, you get the additional sound/audio management, but do you really need this with a BL7.2? I don't even use the functionality on my BV11. The apps haven't been updated since the original launch and I find it's far easier to use (apps on) the Apple TV.
Therefore I think they need to take a different angle with an upgraded BV7. I wouldn't want to upgrade my BV7 for a year or so, wait and see what happens with the new panels - you can now pre-order a LG 55" OLED TV for £10K, for example.
an LG for 10K??????????
It'd be like buying a $500,000 Hyundai!!!
Jonathan: an LG for 10K??????????
I think the keyword there is OLED. Do you know how incredibly expensive they are to produce? If a 55" OLED screen was on a B&O, it would be a lot more expensive than £10K!
Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.