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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 5 encore wi fi and nas connection

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Paul cheacker
Top 500 Contributor
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Paul cheacker Posted: Tue, Mar 5 2013 3:07 PM

Hi was sondering if someme could help, just found out that you need. 5ghz wi fi router to connect via wi fi to the encore. So was thinking of buying a apple airport exterme as I have a apple system. My question is

1.will that router be compatiable ? and

2. as it has a usb input on the router if I connect an external hard drive to it will this be ok for the encore to store my music on?

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Paul cheacker
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So does anyone have any ideas on this?

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

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Roger replied on Wed, Mar 6 2013 7:35 AM

The AirPort Express, Time Capsule etc do support both the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz wave bands. Your Mac should have Twonky Media DLNA-server version 6.0 or later installed.


Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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when I had my encore I used a time capsule to connect via wireless.  I found that the wireless wasn't reliable, so I used power over Ethernet instead... much more reliable, and it was connected to a nas in another room (where the time capsule was)

before you get your encore, try and connect the hard drive to the USB to the airport and see if you can access it

for the encore to read the drive, it needs a media server such as twonky - that's why  went with a WD My Book Live.

I don't have my encore anymore though.

Paul cheacker
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Already have the encore, but wasnt connectng to my wi fi router because I think its not a 5ghz one, this is the reason why I was asking if the airport exterem with an attached hard drive waa the way forward for me.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Paul cheacker
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Already have the encore, but wasnt connectng to my wi fi router because I think its not a 5ghz one, this is the reason why I was asking if the airport exterem with an attached hard drive waa the way forward for me.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

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Roger replied on Wed, Mar 6 2013 12:45 PM

Yes, all the latest Apple wifi gadgets support 5 GHz (Express, Extreme, TC) - but your computer will need software to run as a server. Even the older Extreme, introduced in March 2009, does support 5 GHz. Please check to identify your product and the tech spec.


Paul cheacker
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Roger I do t actually have any product yet, Im going to be buying an airport extreme but I do not intend on running it from the computer. I want to attach a NAS to the airport extreme so I do ot have to run the computer all the time.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Roger I do t actually have any product yet, Im going to be buying an airport extreme but I do not intend on running it from the computer. I want to attach a NAS to the airport extreme so I do ot have to run the computer all the time.

Yes but no but yes but no but ;)

The thing is with the encore I don't think it can find the audio files on a hard drive attached to a AirPort Extreme the way a computer does.

For it to work I thought it needs a hard drive with a media server.

A version of media server is known as Twonky.

A Western Digital My Book Live is a hard drive that can attach to your Airport Express but via one of the Ethernet ports as opposed to the USB port.

But if your adamant that you want to go down the hard drive USB method why not just use the USB port of the encore.

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DoubleU replied on Sat, Mar 9 2013 6:54 AM

The Extreme is just a plain router. Other brands that broadcast 5GHz will do the same. However, an Extreme is a little easier to maintain if you have a mac. 

Just add a decent NAS (Qnap or Synology) to your Extreme is the way to go. I would forget the USB method, because it has limitations and harder to maintain. With a NAS you always have acces to your files. Even outside your local network if you want.


Paul cheacker
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Thank you Double U I have the airport exterme now, I will get a NAS. But im experiencing a problem the Beosound Encore see the airport exterme, I out the password in to connect it, but for some reason it doesnt connect to it.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Paul cheacker
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Hi everyone Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to you all, after a lot of your help and a lot of work I have now managed to get the encore to connect to my system via wi fi. Its a big thank you because without your help I would of had to get a technical engineer from B and O here in Spain to do it and that would of cost eur 199. I understand that B and o equipment is a high end luxury brand, therefore B and O are able to charge these kind of prices. However not all the buyers of B and O are actually wealthy. Some of us aspire to the brand and save a long time to buy their products and therefore 199.00 euros for a B and O service engineer is a lot of money. Just wish that B and O would be more like APPLE in as much as the plug in and play side. Anyway one again thanks everyone. All I need to do now is buy a nice NAS to go with this.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Paul cheacker
Top 500 Contributor
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Thank you so much also.

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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However not all the buyers of B and O are actually wealthy

You got it in one there mate.  But that's what enthusiast sites are for helping each other out in the B&O community.

You even find it from the sponsors such as Steve at Sounds Heavenly.  He provides advice even if you're yet to purchase one of his products.

It's with community that we all thrive.

Glad you found your solution, and good luck with your encore.  Some pictures would be appreciated :-)

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Jeff replied on Mon, Mar 11 2013 3:40 PM

Reading this a bit late, but I wanted to mention one drawback of the network over power line things, none of them I've seen will work if plugged into a surge suppressor, they needed direct connection to the house wiring with nothing in between. This means that the network adaptor and whatever is plugged into it, on both ends, are vulnerable to power surges and spikes.

As I used to live in the thunderstorm and lightning Capitol of the US this really is a concern to me. 


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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i use mine on a powerboard and it works good

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