ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi folks! Need help!
I've owned my Beosound 9000 for about 4 plus years and for the first time, I can't get the CDs to align after playing. They all stop in random positions.
I've consulted the manual to do the Position OK for the CDs to no avail. I went yesterday to the dealer and he suggested to clean the small glass sensors and that didn't work either.
I've had power outages from time to time and have had to reprogram the BS9000 w/ the remote. For some reason it took numerous attempts this time to link the remote w/ the player. Could I have inadvertently screwed up the logic within the BS9000?
Totally frustrated! Thanks in advance for any suggestions to remedy this issue!
I might be mistaken, but wasn't there a similar problem years ago on the forum, where the 250 CD titels had been programmed into the Beosound, and after this memory was full is started to act up...
Too long to list....
Which glass sensors did you clean? The ones on the alu panel?
The sensors underneath the CD mechanisme should be cleaned. Which are only reached by removing the top of the laser unit (plastic top plate and circular center piece)
bayerische:I might be mistaken, but wasn't there a similar problem years ago on the forum, where the 250 CD titels had been programmed into the Beosound, and after this memory was full is started to act up...
I think the thread HERE is the one you are talking about ?
Regards Keith....
Yes Keith that was the one.
Have you checked that the two small adjusing lugs on the back of the BeoSoound9000 are aligned correctly?
If you have moved from a floor stand to horizontal wall bracket and not adjusted them they can cause mis-operation.
Thanks to those that have responded already.
I also remember a forum from before and I thought there was a discussion about the CD player/mechanism faulting or acting up and it required service. Before that, I want to seek out opinions from anyone that may have had similar problems.
The CDs I have in there are the same ones for the past few years. Never had a problem until the latest power outage. Can't imagine but wondering if that had something to do with it.
Also, I have always had it mounted on the wall vertically so no change in configuration.
I will try to clean the other parts as suggested and hope it works...
Please keep the suggestions and troubleshooting tips coming!
Thanks in advance!!!
I'm not completely clear on exactly what the nature is of your "alignment" issue but I may suggest the following:
When installing a new laser unit into the BeoSound 9000 (which I have done successfully on both Mk II [eBay sourced CDM12.4 laser only] and MK III [B&O sourced VAM1250 complete laser assembly]), one has to run two specific test mode driven alignment procedures after completing the laser change-out. I am not sure of the numbers of each off the top of my head but I believe they are TM71 and TM73.
Anyway, the exact procedure is detailed in the BS 9000 Service Manual which is available to Silver and Gold members here on BeoWorld.
When these test modes are activated, the sled moves along and stops at each disc carrier, along the entire track length, clamps and releases, etc. and notes/references the proper position back to the computer. Perhaps when you lost power, these "parameters" were lost. The test mode activation can be done by yourself and you can use your Beo4 remote to initiate them.
If you require more detail, I would suggest first referencing the Service Manual. Should you have any questions, please feel free to ask me and I will do my best to explain.
Also, did you mean by "did the Position OK for the CD's" that you already tried this? If so, please disregard my suggestions.
Good luck,
Hi Michael:
Thank you for your reply and suggestion. I have been away on business and could not reply/try your suggestion on the test. I will try it this weekend.
Now you mention the service manual for the 9000. Is that only avail to gold/silver members here or did I receive that when I purchased the 9000? How else would I find it if it was not included with the unit?
Thank you for your suggestion and I hope it works! Something this expense should not be causing such a basic problem IMHO...
Hi Terry:
I have confirmed that the post-laser-change required Test Modes for the BeoSound 9000 are TM71 and TM73.
I use my Beo4 remote to activate the tests.
TM71 is called "Mechanical Test of Finger Protection, Sledge, and Led". TM73 is called "Adjustment of Auto Positioning".
The Service Manual for the BeoSound 9000 would not have been included with the BeoSound 9000. It is available to Silver and Gold BeoWorld members. Only User Manuals were originally included for sure.
Here's what the manual states concerning getting into the Test Mode: "Press SHIFT 90258 with no more then 2 sec. between the individual entering. The remote control has to be in (RADIO or) CD option. In Test Modes the tuner is fully functional and may overwrite the display but TM will continue. Select CD to view CD test modes."
I've done this many times after servicing the BS9000 but it can be a bit tricky. Remember to press the CD button after successfully getting into the Test mode. You'll know you are in as the LED tuner display shows TM and then you enter the particular number that you want. These modes are quite interesting to watch as they are very much robotic as the sled, door, etc. goes through various exercises to test the parameters.
Good luck and I look forward to hearing how it goes for you.
You are a ROCK STAR!!!
I did the Test 73 and it worked like a charm. Never mind how long it took to get it into TESTMODE. It's as if the remote BEO4 is acting up or maybe needs new batteries.
In any case, I did the Test 73, then I got a APS Successful (or something like that) message and each CD now aligns properly when going from CD to CD.
I truly appreciate your assistance on this! I couldn't have done it without your knowledge and input! A millions thanks!
That is truly wonderful news! My pleasure as it is always rewarding to see our beautiful B&O up, running and doing what it is designed to do. And especially great if one doesn't have to spend money to achieve that end.
Yes, the TM73 was the most difficult for me after my Mk III laser change as it required a few runs for it to "take". On my Mk II, it took on the first run.
In reading your original post, I concluded early on that if the Test Mode adjustments were to solve the problem, that it would be the TM 73 and not the TM 71 that was at the root of the problem.
Now, If I can only make some progress on my "in-need-of-repair" B&O! I have two BeoMaster 6500's with blown output stages, a BeoSound 4000 in need of a door belt, four BeoLab Penta I's that require complete restorations and a BeoCord 6500 in need of belts. I'll get to them slowly but surely (I just built a Dim-Bulb Tester to help with the BM 6500 troubleshooting) and will enjoy every minute of it!
The best to you Terry!
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA