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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BV 10 vs BV11 ?

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Jackplug Posted: Sun, Sep 1 2013 8:25 AM

Leaving aside the much better sound of the BV11 and the smart features, compared to the BV10...  can anyone reassure me that the BV11 picture is also improved?  I've had my BV10-40 for almost 3 years and it's due to come to the end of the warrantee period in Dec.  I've never really been happy with the picture, back light issues with uneven light / dark patches around the screen.  So in really dark or light images you can still see the back light shadows.  Then the colour balance seems to drift around with flesh tones often being totally off with very non realistic image.  This is an early edition \BV10 me thinks (not upgraded with modified T2 decode).  Nice TV in all other respects but not where it really matters.  Don't really know how B&O got away with it really :-(   But I'm prepared to give the BV11 a go (ironically for less money) if it proves to be up to the job.  I have a Beovision 8-32 and 4-42 in other rooms and to be frank, they are a better viewing experience than the BV10!

Chris Townsend
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I've had both and yes overall the picture is bit better, but.

The 11 comes with dynamic contrast which tries to selectively brighten a part of the screen by illuminating just some of the edge LEDs. The result is that the rest of the screen should be darker.

I watched the dreaded X Factor late last night and with fast moving scenes it does improve things. Here comes the but. If you watch a movie like Alien with lots of dark scenes, and there is somebody with say a torch, the torch area has its contrast lightened which results in a dirty great horizontal rectangle of grey.

Look at this review and near the end you will see what I mean.

I have seen both next to each other in Harrods with the same video showing, and yes on the whole you could tell the 11 was slightly better, slightly. But then came a dark scene and up pops the rectangle. It's driving me mad to be honest and it only happens infrequently, but when it does I have to look away.

The sound is much much better, although I'm having problems with its bass. Watching Jack Reacher the other night I was convinced a driver had blown as it crackled on loud scenes. When a car turned its engine on, the TV all but gave up. I played Star Wars on BluRay yesterday at volume 80, and for a flat screen TV it was amazing. I can only assume it doesn't deal with some sources as well as others. Fairly important stuff.

Forget about the nonsense smart features as Apple TV if far better and easier to operate, except for automatic wireless software updating which is quite handy.

My electronic curtains have never worked regardless of how I change the blanking. Gggrrrr

I tried a Beolab 2 a few weeks ago and admittedly it might have been me setting it up, but it didn't work as well on the 11 as it did with my 7. Apparently the TV is programmed to give it all, and if it needs extra bass it then draws upon the Beolab 2. This results in little bits of bass coming from the 2 in a very agricultural manner. As opposed to building up say, it suddenly starts, and then suddenly stops. Not good.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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