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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 8000

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

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Bronze Member
Been Posted: Sun, Sep 22 2013 8:22 PM

I recently acquired a beogram 8000,  it runs intermittently.  It seems it will only work properly when the deck is not level and the right side is about a sixteenth of an inch higher than the left as you look at the deck.  Any ideas as to a possible permanent fix?  Thanks!

Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Sun, Sep 22 2013 10:45 PM

Welcome to Beoworld !

It's safe to say that every deck of the Beogram 6006/8000/8002 series will need a thorough service
by now if not already done.
Capacitors die from age and solder joints crack from the unavoidable vibrations from use and transport.
The symptoms of the above are just as plentyful as the Beograms but most faults are cured
by grabbing a capacitor kit, replacing the lot and giving it a good check for cracked solder joints.

For Beogram 6006 and 8000, I would furthermore suggest to check the condition and type of the tachodisc.
That's the speed encoding ring that sits around the hub, under the aluminum platter and black subplatter.
If yours is of the photographic type it will almost definitely be falling apart or at least be close to doing so,
and a new one in stainless steel would be needed.
Google "Beogram tachodisc" and you'll find both that and the cap kit.
You could also PM me directly, same same.

It's not the easiest machine to service and definitely not something I would recommend for beginners but,
fortunately, these decks are easily worth the trip to an experienced repairer who will also clean and
lubricate the carriage mech. and adjust anything in need.
If your repairer tells you that parts are nowhere to be found (we've heard that countless times before),
you better seek another repairer because it's often just an excuse for lack of knowledge (or
they simply couldn't be bothered).
There are a couple of good repairers worldwide. Let us know where you are, maybe there is one near you.


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Posts 2
Bronze Member
Been replied on Sun, Sep 22 2013 11:40 PM

Thanks Martin, I'm in Nashville TN USA .  I would think that with the proper repair kit I could find someone who could work on it around here with all of the audio folks around.


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