ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Someone is willing to sell me a beosound 3200 but it has a problem...
the hard drive isn't working and it's the second time he has replaced it. The CD player works fine but the hard drive may let it hang now and then. I'm tempted to buy it for around 480 euros as I've had a pair of beolab 4000 speakers that I have never used. I asked him what B&O said about the matter but he didn't answer. What could be the problem? Does anyone have any experience with the hard drive causing problems? If this unit cannot be fixed I don't want it .
There are some repair estimates mentioned in this old thread. Good luck.
I would buy it for the chassis itself, not the it's hard drive feature. While cool in it's hayday it's absolutely cumbersome by today's standards at best. Get it for the CD player and design and connect a Playmaker through the Aux for the digital rather than repairing the HD. You'll find that the repair costs the price of a PM to get it fixed at the very least.
Ah, you know... A little B&O here, a little there
You can view it as a Beosound 3000 in its current state.
To be honest I want it for the design and because it will look great with the beolab 4000's
i don't really know if I would use the hard drive especially since you can't use it to record off the radio.
It would be nice if it was fully functional. The owner says he's already replaced 2 hard drives...
thanks for the replies everyone :-)
chris:especially since you can't use it to record off the radio.
If that's important get a BS 4000 or 2500.
Unfortunately, I had to replace the hard disks twice in 8 years. Although potentially attributable to household moves with some bumpy treatment, nowadays I am not sure I would replace the disk if it does not interfere with the operation of the rest of the BS 3200... Enough capabilities nowadays through playmaker to make the harddisk operation forgettable...