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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


False heatsink on SC 80, how does it look?

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This post has 3 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir Posted: Sun, Dec 8 2013 6:34 PM

I lack the phony heatsink on my SC 80, the one that covers the cable channel behind the tape recorder. Can someone be kind and to post pictures on how it looks so I can to make something similar to the original.

Thank You in advance!


Top 10 Contributor
Posts 11,991

It is a very unexciting satin black rectangle made to be the same height as the heat sink on the BM8000. I am sure you could make something far better! I would suggest copying the heatsink design. I never liked this design feature of the 6000 or 8000. Always looked like an afterthought. I think I would have had a separate power amplifier which could be put somewhere in the cabinet.


Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member


It is a very unexciting satin black rectangle made to be the same height as the heat sink on the BM8000. I am sure you could make something far better! I would suggest copying the heatsink design. I never liked this design feature of the 6000 or 8000. Always looked like an afterthought. I think I would have had a separate power amplifier which could be put somewhere in the cabinet.

Thank you Peter for your fast answer.

Then I´ll just flange a thin metal plate twice and paint it black. Maybe later – if I find a broken BM 6000 I can use the heat sink to make something better looking.


Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir replied on Mon, Dec 16 2013 4:02 PM

Said and done.


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