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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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413K? and the Thogersen collection.

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Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
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Dave Farr Posted: Thu, Oct 23 2014 8:32 AM

oldie lovers, whilst rummaging on eBay this morning I came across this rather expensive and mysterious piece:

The tuning scale is awful and though described on the back as a 413K, I haven't found it yet on the products section or indeed anywhere else - only the Master De luxe 413K.  It is however in the 'From spark to icon' book but only once in a picture on page 202.

Whilst searching for it, I also stumbled across a really nice site on the Jan Thogersen collection - but there isn't one in that collection either as far as I can see!:

There is a nice, almost 360° panoramic shot of the collection with some really nice oldies to scroll through:

Can anyone shed any light on this 413K?


Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 9:14 AM

Our vintage product section, unfortunately, lacks a bit.

This one seems to be either a Viking 413K or a Standard.
Viking 413K is not the most common set, the other only slightly more common - if you can speak of common 1949 B&O sets.
The funny things is that it seems a "Standard" label has been put over the Viking name at the back.
Maybe it is in fact a Standard, only with a Viking 413K back. They are quite similar looking sets.
I can check this later today.


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Beoradio replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 10:06 AM

Looking at the pictures, this seems to be a Standard 505.

Originally it was produced as Viking 413 K but after a complaint of the pencil factory " Viking ",  B&O had to change/drop the type Viking.

This also explains the paper label on the back, covering the type Viking 413K.

This type of radio is very seldom with a perfect scale glass.

Most of the sets have damage to the printing of the scale glass.

The price is ......outrages.

The Standard 505 is not extremely rare.



Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
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Dave Farr replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 10:12 AM

Looking at the pictures, this seems to be a Standard 505.

Well spotted.  Just looked on the products page and it seems that is correct.  I wonder why it has a '413K' back on it?  Original lost and that was a handy replacement - assuming all input/outputs were in the same place.


Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 2:40 PM

Viking 413K

(Looks to have a sticker removed)

Standard 413K


Standard 505K

I think, Rudy is right about all Standard 505K originally being Viking 413K, only rebadged for next years model.
I have seen the red stickers at the back a couple of times before but never wondered much about it. The same back seems to fit several, very similar, models.


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Ben_S replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 8:33 PM

Not something you see for sale in UK very often really but interesting nonetheless.

Rudy, you mentioned the price being outrageous. 

How much do you believe this one is actually worth?

Top 500 Contributor
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Beoradio replied on Thu, Oct 23 2014 9:10 PM

Hi Ben,


Most of the old B&O tube radio's are offered for sale in Denmark and some in the Northern part of Germany.

For this reason the majority of the collectors of this kind of radio's are located in Denmark and they have easier access to these radio's.

It's not a matter of finding the radio's. Sooner or later they will show up for sale.

Then you face the issue of either collecting the radio or get it shipped.

Be aware that the glass dial scales are fragile and get easily damaged during transport.

The same goes for the radio's with Bakelite cabinets.

Bakelite is very sensitive for getting cracked during transport.


The first series of B&O Viking 413K radio's, with Viking printed underneath the B&O logo, are very hard to find. and therefore more expensive.

Difficult to put a price on for the simple reason that they are very seldom offered for sale.


The later, relabelled series are more common, but even these you will not find on every street corner.

With some luck and patience , it must be possible to find, non working, one in the price range of 100 to 250 Euro.( in Denmark )

For sure,  Martin is in a better position to give you a more  updated and accurate price.

The radio  advertised on eBay, is in good condition compared to most of the other radio's of the same type that I have seen.

Shipping large valve radio's is never cheap. Add another 50 to 100 euro for shipping.












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And here few more pictures of Standard 505K:

Vintage Bang & Olufsen

Top 150 Contributor
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Ben_S replied on Fri, Oct 24 2014 11:31 PM

Many thanks Rudy, 

Lots of very interesting information there, I guess I will have to bide my time and find the right price!

I understand it it difficult for you to put pricing on any vintage product so don't worry.

One of the issues of living off the continent I guess!


Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Sat, Oct 25 2014 6:55 AM


Any particular unit, type or decade, you are looking for ?
Restored or unrestored ?


Top 150 Contributor
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Ben_S replied on Sat, Oct 25 2014 10:13 AM


Thanks for your message, I will get back to you on that!



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