ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hey all
I'v been so lucky to fully restore a Beosystem 6500. Unfortunately i have not been able to get the BeoGram 6500. Recently i'v found a good price on a Beogram 8000 (needs a little repairing) including a new pickup.
So i'd like to know since I have not found the information, would the Beomaster 6500 and beogram 8000 be able to work together?
I'v noticed that Beogram 8000 doesn't have an internal RIAA neither do the Beomaster 6500. Is it possible/doable to implement this in the system or is an external RIAA a must?
If using an external RIAA is necessary would the boegram 8000 still be controllable by the beolink?
Stick to the Beogram 6500., perfect match. Looks better than an older BG8000
If you're interested, I have a few BG6500/7000 here with all type of MMC needles.
Brengen & Ophalen
Wrong section for trying to sell your stuff, Les.
Yes a riaa is needed. And the bg8000 is a much better player albeit in a different design.
This okay Minuscat?
I see you got the message Les but apparently you didnt understand it.