ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I am wondering whether an MMC 5 will work or do i need a MMC 4? What is compatible with the beogram 3500?
Welcome to Beoworld.
Yes, any of the MMC1-5 cartridges will work/have the correct fitting to attach to the BG3500 tonearm. The internals of the cartridges are essentially identical, the only difference between them is the material of the cantilever and the cut of diamond stylus. MMC1 was top of the range.
If it is an old cartridge, it may be suffering from the well reported suspension failure and may sound awful. It's the cartridge at fault, not the TT. Cartridges from this range can be rebuilt by Axel in Germany, or replacement equivalents sourced from SoundSmiths in the US. If you search the forum you will find masses of info on the debate over cartridge retipping services and replacements.
What amp and speakers are you using?
Just seen your other posts and see you have a BM3500 to match.
Hi there thanks for the info! Yeah i have a full beosystem 3500 with the original RL 35 speakers. I bought it at auction and before the sale of the system a woman broke the diamond of the MMC 4 stylus, i didn't realize till i got home. Everything else is working perfectly i haven't been able to find a stylus till now. I was thinking about buying a Soundsmith but i'm in the UK and the postage would arrive when i would be on holiday. Thanks for the information!!
Hi Jez,
I've found the SoundSmith MMC4 to be a bit harsh. You can send your MMC4 cartridge to Axel and he can rebuild it to any of the MMC1-5 range specs depending on your budget. E-mail him (he does speak English) to see what he can do for you.
Hi Dave
I've found the old stylus, i'm going to E-mail him now thanks for all the help! I will reply to this for updates with it!
Thanks Jez