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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Android Wear and NL

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This post has 5 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 200 Contributor
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BeoMotion Posted: Tue, Apr 28 2015 7:11 PM

Hi all,

how many of you are interested in an Android wear app that allows you to control some basic functions of your NL TV? Something like source, channel and volume... 

Some time ago I started working on that and would continue if there is some demand. 



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elephant replied on Tue, Apr 28 2015 11:56 PM
I wish you well.

The more options we have as a community, the stronger we will be, and the greater the chances B&O might survive in its historical / current form.

As I started investing in Apple components in 2009 I am not a prospective buyer.

BeoNut since '75

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TWG replied on Wed, Apr 29 2015 6:26 AM

I'm highly interested, but it shouldn't be limited to e.g. a NL TV.
I've seen your reply in the "Apple Watch Beointegration Thread" and it's a good idea that you've started a new Android thread. :-)

It should work like PhilLondons' Software for the Apple watch which allows Access to the MLGW or BLGW! That would be a better approach.
And he offered help in his thread to explain how he's done it.

"TWG, sorry, I don't know anything about android development. But if someone wants to do it I am happy to explain how it works."

See this thread:

Top 200 Contributor
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BeoMotion replied on Wed, Apr 29 2015 9:57 AM

I'm highly interested, but it shouldn't be limited to e.g. a NL TV.

Okay, good to know.
Since I know the BeoRemote protocol very well it is easier for me to start there. 
Maybe in a later version I might also include the M(B)LWG. Let's see.

Which watch do you have and which components do you want to control?  

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Flensborg, Denmark
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I guess most people will be interested in a 'pure' NL version.

Not many have a MLGW/BLGW.

This goes for the Android as well as for the iOS version.


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 200 Contributor
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BeoMotion replied on Wed, Apr 29 2015 10:28 AM


I guess most people will be interested in a 'pure' NL version.
Not many have a MLGW/BLGW.

Yes MM, I think so, too. There are much fewer gateways out there than NL TVs...

Also working on a watch extension for my PolyMote app.
But this will take some time since I won't start designing the UI before I have one on my wrist. 

So if some of you are interested in beta testing, please let me know. :-)



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