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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoSound 3000-3200? VOLTAGE???

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striker27 Posted: Thu, Dec 20 2012 8:52 AM

I am located in North America.   But would like to get a Beosound 3000 or 3200 from the UK they are much cheaper and just use a 220V to 120V converter.  Could I just plug the Powerlink cables into my existing Beolab 2500's I have set up with my Overture 4000 from North America using 120 volts? Or is that asking too much???


Just wanted to know..





The Secret Alpaca
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That would work perfectly - the PowerLink doesn't alter from region to region, so there'll be no compatibility problems at all!


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valve1 replied on Thu, Dec 20 2012 4:57 PM

am located in North America.   But would like to get a Beosound 3000 or 3200 from the UK they are much cheaper and just use a 220V to 120V converter

Would you save enough by the time you pay p&p then buy a transformer  ? I would check both first before buying from outside N America.

Søren Mexico
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I was just surfing the US bay, Beosound 3000 USD 1000.00 to 1500.00 buy now prices.

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Leslie replied on Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:43 PM

I think you can modify the BS3000 by changing links on the transformer from 230 to 110VAC.

Got oneSmile

Brengen & Ophalen

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striker27 replied on Fri, Dec 21 2012 3:41 PM

I already have a transformer.  Sadly the units seem to be quite a bit cheaper on Ebay UK last time I checked but it has been awhile.  I am going to have to look closer at the total price.   The BS3000 and 3200 are a bit nicer then my Overture and I am looking at upgrading in the future.  I might look at the BeoSound 4 if I can find one for a good price.  I just really need what ever system I buy to have masterlink.  I have a few rooms wired up to my system as it stands now.  I do wish I could find out what to change on the transfomer though..


Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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I think you can modify the BS3000 by changing links on the transformer from 230 to 110VAC.

Got oneSmile

Changing the transformer to from 240V (GB), to 120 V. a 3M3 Ohm resistor has to be added, and the fuse(s) changed to 125V type.


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