ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Beovision 7 40 mk 5 ,beovision 6x3, beosound 3000, beogram 3300 , 2 x lc2, 2 x beocom 1401, beocom 6000 x 2, 5 x beo4,
, 4 x beolab 4's, form 2, h2, a2,a1 and a beolab 2 😀😀
Section 5-3 in the service manual explains how to adjust the set down point. Adjustment of an eccentric disc for 17cm set down point first, followed by adjustment of a screw and arm (F and G).
As a Silver member you have access to the manual here on Beoworld:
If it's tempremental, then I'd also do a relubrication of carriage rods etc to ensure free movement.
bramble:Dave Just adjusted as per instructions, works a treat now. Many thanks
Just adjusted as per instructions, works a treat now.
Many thanks
Great news. I've never had to make these adjustments but it seems clear and simple enough from the manual.