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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


how to hide speaker wire

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2121marty Posted: Fri, Jan 8 2016 7:46 PM

Shortly we are having some major work done in our house so I think I might use this time to hide some speaker cables.

Any do's and don'ts appreciated...I'm not sure weather to just bring the wire up between the gripper rods and the skirting boards, or weather to trunk it up the wall behind the skirting boards about 12", also what would I do with the wires as they come out the wall.

Did B&O make any accesories to make this exit from the wall tidier?. I have seen in a large house speaker juction plates on the skirting boards that allow you to plug 'banana' plugs straight in.

I guess the more junctions the signal goes through on its way to the speaker effects sound quality?

Oh, this is for standard Beovox speaker wire...although I may yet 'future proof' the installation by running Beolab cables to the same position.

As always any ideas much appreciated.

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I remember some flat speaker wire that you could simply paint over or put behind wall paper. Worth looking into.

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riverstyx replied on Fri, Jan 8 2016 10:48 PM


The usual options if you want to bring the cable out from a backbox / faceplate would either be to either use a brush plate which will allow the cable to exit into the room without looking too untidy, or use a faceplate with the relevant (in this case banana plugs or 2-pin DIN) outlets.

One quick tip from the trade - if you can't get hold of the correct outlet in the finish you want - you can use a blanking plate in the same range / finish as your sockets and light switches, and then drill a hole in these blank plates and then install a chassis mount socket in the hole.

Kind Regards,



<Edited to fix typos>

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Thanks for your replies, I may just use blanking plates with a neat hole drill through the centre, seems an easy fix...

just one more question though...

i have seen some really nice speaker wire wall plates that accept banana plugs...will this extra junction effect the eventual sound quality?

Steve at 'sounds heavenly' sells some nice banana plugs...i just wondered about interupting the signal path uneccesarily.

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will this extra junction effect the eventual sound quality?

No, it'll have no effect at all - go for it.


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